
"In mathematics, the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it." - Georg Cantor

Quotes From Teaching Evaluations

  • "He is very energetic and makes class interesting and fun. He makes sure everyone knows what they're doing, it looks like he cares a lot about the students and that's very hard to come by nowadays."

  • "He explains things in a way to help everyone understand the lessons. He really tries to keep us involved in the lessons."

  • "He does an excellent job in breaking down a concept and making it easy for everybody to understand. Also, he makes sure everybody understands before he moves on."

  • "Josh does a good job at explaining new content by relating them to simpler math concepts and breaking it down into small steps."

  • "Joshua does a great job connecting with the students and uses humor to break up the seriousness and stress of the class."

  • "I love the way Josh explains things! I wish he was given more time to help us work through our questions. He is very helpful and listens to all the groups and jumps in when he hears confusion."

  • "He teaches the material so well in such a short amount of time."

  • "Josh teaches in a way that makes sense and I always leave knowing more than I did coming in."

  • "I really like how well you can explain each and everyone of the subjects. You make it easy to remember formulas because you teach us how to derive them."

Teaching at Williams College

Spring 2021:

            • Math 140: Calculus II

            • Math 334: Graph Theory

            • Math 494: Senior Thesis

Fall 2020:

            • Math 140: Calculus II

            • Math 493: Senior Thesis

Spring 2020:

            • Math 328: Combinatorics

            • Math 428: Catching Robbers and Spreading Information

            • Math 498: Independent Study (Damage Throttling)

Fall 2019:

            • Math 200: Discrete Mathematics

Teaching at Iowa State University

Instructor of Record:

  • Math 10: High School Algebra (Fall 2018)

  • Math 165: Calculus I (Summer 2016, Fall 2015, Summer 2015)

  • Pre-Calculus (Summer 2014)

Recitation Leader:

  • Math 143: Pre-Calculus (Fall 2018) -- Team-based Learning

  • Math 165: Calculus I (Fall 2016, Spring 2016, Spring 2014)

  • Math 166: Calculus II (Spring 2017)

  • Math 265: Calculus III (Fall 2014, Spring 2015)

  • Math 267: Differential Equations (Spring 2018)

Overall Rating of Instructor:

JC Teaching Scores.pdf