

One Point Perspective Overview

The following video introduces the concept of Linear Perspective in art. During the Renaissance artists learned how to create the illusion of three-dimensions using a system referred to as 'linear perspective'.

Questions to consider after watching this video:

  1. What do the art historians mean by a 'Rational' space?

  2. What role did 'Illusion' play in the making of a picture during the Renaissance?

  3. Do you understand what a horizon line is? Do you understand how it is ALSO the 'eye level' eye in the image?

  4. What has your experience been like in trying to create a 'Rational' space? Have you ever had an assignment that uses a vanishing point to draw a three-dimensional room?

Learning the formal system of linear perspective is ONE way to learn how to make a space look three-dimensional. You yourself may have been taught how to draw a room or a street using one-point perspective. If you got really advanced, you may have even learned about two-point perspective.

There is another way, however, to draw a space and learn to make it look convincingly three-dimensional. They learn to use two techniques called 'Sighting' and 'Measuring' or 'comparison measuring'. The benefit to learing how to sight and measure is that it allows you to draw in any space you wish and figure out any angles and sizes that contribute to your drawing looking convincingly three-dimensional.

Let's learn a little more:

Student Samples done after learning how to SIGHT Angles

Student drawing of geometric shapes using techniques of sighting angles and chiaroscuro shading

Student drawing from home using techniques of sighting angles and taking comparison measurements

Ambitious student drawing from Green Ave Campus using techniques of sighting angles and taking comparison measurements

Student drawing from home using techniques of sighting angles and taking comparison measurements

How to Sight from a Flat Shape

This video is an introduction to the concept of 'SIGHTING' angles in drawing, so we're just using a pre-drawn shape to get comfortable with sighting.

Using a viewfinder, see how to re-draw a simple geometric shape. This will help you develop the skills needed to use sighting to draw three-dimensional shapes from direct observation.

You may select one of the shapes with straight edges to try sighting using the above technique of sighting.

You may select one of the shapes with straight edges to try sighting using the above technique of sighting.

How to Sight from a Three-Dimensional Shape

This video demonstrates using sighting with a viewfinder to draw a box from direct observation. It will make the most sense if you FIRST watch the video "Sighting from Flat drawing'.

How to use SIGHTING to Draw a Three-Dimensional Room (Kitchen)

This video documents me drawing a view of my kitchen using the tools of sighting and comparison measurements. For students who have done some perspective drawing in my classes in the past, this may serve as a helpful review of these techniques. For students new to using sighting and comparison measurements, it may help to see how they are used to help keep angles and proportions accurate.

Perspective Drawing of a Kitchen Explained in Detail

Sighting Angles to Draw a Room

EYE Level and why it is confusing!

perspective sighting.pdf

Using a Unit of Measure to take Comparison Measurements