Our Learning

Outdoor Learning

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

After having a well deserved half term break, Nursery are back in full swing! We spoke about our feelings using words such as ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘angry’ and ‘worried’, and can all agree that Nursery are very happy to be back and playing with their friends again! We also compared sizes of everyday objects as well as characters from our class story using gestures and language - ‘bigger/little/smaller’. 

Week 8

This week Nursery explored different colours and colour-mixing. We had so much fun making coloured rice, as well as making the colour pink using red and white! We also talked about all the fireworks we’ve heard and seen during the evenings and how some people in our community were celebrating Bonfire Night by lighting fireworks!

Week 9

Happy Diwali to everyone who celebrated! Nursery had fun learning about the festival of Diwali and finding out who in our class celebrates it. We also learned about the season of Autumn and observed the trees around us and noticed how the leaves are turning yellow, orange, red and brown. We loved exploring the leaves that had fallen off the trees and landed in our Nursery garden.

Week 10

Nursery have been busy practising “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “Spread Your Wings My Angels” to perform in front of parents during the EYFS Nativity Assembly on Wednesday 20th December 2023. We’ve also continued our discussions about the weather, using vocabulary such as rain, windy, cold, warm and hot.

Week 11

This week Nursery have been busy developing their cutting skills. This is a skill that takes time for children to develop. The children have been encouraged to have a good sitting balance so they can use their arms and hands freely. Everyone has their own style of holding scissors. However, if you get a chance to teach your child at home then a good way of holding scissors is by putting the index finger in front, which helps to give good scissor control. This grip also strengthens the same muscles that children need for drawing and writing. 

Week 12

Nursery have been working collaboratively this week, helping each other build houses for the Three Little Pigs and making tall towers out of wooden planks. Team building enables children to develop their ability to work together toward a common goal. This makes the work easier because the children are working together. When a team works together to solve a challenge, everyone in the group wins and all children have a positive experience.

Week 13

It has been a dazzling week in Nursery, as we decorate our class Christmas tree and prepare for our performance in front of all parents next week. The children have been very busy making their twinkling stars and decorating their calendars in anticipation of the New Year! During carpet time we have been busy talking about Christmas, food, decorations, lights, presents and parties! We also spoke about how festivals can bring about different feelings and emotions in people, such as feeling happy during family gatherings, feeling excited when receiving presents and feeling sad if a loved one isn’t there to celebrate with us. Having said that, we hope to see you there next Wednesday to celebrate with us and listen to us sing!

Week 14

What an exciting last few days of term we’ve had! Thank you so much parents for supporting us by watching us perform our Christmas songs in assembly, we hope you enjoyed it. We had a blast at our class party with lots of yummy party food and we danced the floor away with our friends. But best of all, you wouldn’t believe who came to visit us… Santa Claus himself! He even got us presents and we were lucky enough to perform our songs to him as well. We hope you have a restful break and from everyone in Nursery, we’d like to wish you a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Week 15

Nursery has reopened after the winter break and the children are back with lots of energy and excitement to see their friends and teachers again! This week we focused on how we build ‘community’ by looking after our classroom, being kind to others, respecting others and understanding that we like different things. We are also reminding each other to say ‘please’ when asking someone for help and ‘thank you’ after someone has done something kind for us. 

Week 16

As you are aware our playground is having a makeover, so in the meantime we have been enjoying playing in the big playground, . We’ve also been reading a story called Rosie’s Walk, which some parents may be familiar with from their childhood! This story has allowed us to learn some new positional / directional words such as: across, around, over, past, through and under.

Week 17

This has been a very exciting week for us as our playground is finally ready and we could not wait to play in our garden again. It was also the first time we visited our school library. We discovered that a library is a place full of amazing books and it is a quiet place, so we had to use our whisper voices. We really enjoyed reading books together and it would be wonderful if parents could visit the local library with their children.

Week 18

This week we have been discussing people who help us at home, school and in our community. All the children have also been trying their best to help their peers and their teachers, they also agreed to help at home - especially with tidying up! We have also been looking out for and making lots of patterns with shapes, colours, sounds and play dough.

Week 19

Cultural week has been a huge success and we’d like to thank everyone for coming in their traditional clothes on Friday! A huge thank you to parents for bringing in food from your culture so that Nursery could taste it. Everything was delicious and we appreciate all the efforts you have put in. We have learnt a lot about the food the children in our class eat at home, their traditional outfits and the flags that represent their countries. 

We hope you have a relaxing half-term.

Week 20

Welcome back! We have been having interesting discussions about what we did in half-term; sharing experiences with everyone. We have also been talking about changes outside and became ‘season detectives’ and noticed the flower buds on the trees in our garden, indicating that flowers are beginning to grow. As part of understanding the world it is very important for children to talk about what they see, using a wide vocabulary. Having these conversations with them allows adults to give children the language to explain what they can see/touch/feel. 

Week 21

Nursery have been loving the story of Jack and the Beanstalk! We have been acting out the story, describing the characters and setting. We’ve also been comparing size and height using words such as tall/taller, short/shorter, big/bigger and small/smaller. The children have been finding creative ways to make the Giant and his castle. We’ve also been having lots of conversations about our favourite part of the story and what choices we’d make if we were a character from the story.

Week 22

In anticipation of World Book Day, Nursery have been reading lots of stories. In these stories we have discovered that there are different words for big. There’s huge, vast, giant, large, oversized, overgrown and enormous. Having a rich vocabulary is crucial for young children as a wide vocabulary allows them to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs more effectively. On the other hand,the children have been busy making and decorating Mother’s Day cards for their mummies! We hope all the mums love their cards as much as their children have loved making them. Happy Mother’s Day!

Week 23

This week in Nursery we have been practising turn taking. Sharing helps children connect with others. When they share toys, experiences, and time, they learn to build friendships and create positive relationships.Turn-taking allows children to engage in cooperative play. It teaches them to wait their turn, listen to others, and collaborate.  

Week 24

Take a look at Nursery planting their beans. Most children said they want their plant to grow as tall as the beanstalk from Jack and the Beanstalk. Gardening is a fun way to teach children patience from an early age. Plants don’t sprout overnight, so kids learn to wait for their flowers and vegetables to grow. Taking care of plants gives children a sense of responsibility, purpose and excitement. Gardening encourages children to stimulate all five senses. Feeling the soil, smelling flowers, and tasting homegrown vegetables provide rich sensory experiences. You can link these senses to words by asking questions like “How does the soil feel?” or “What does the fruit/vegetable smell like?”

Week 25

This has been a very busy week for us at Nursery! We made yummy Easter nests, using cereal and melted chocolate. We then had an Easter egg hunt, where we had to find all eggs that were hidden in our garden and finally we ended the week (as well as this term) with our Spring concert! Singing in front of an audience allows children to overcome shyness and find their voice. When they perform well and receive positive feedback, their confidence naturally grows. So please feed your children positive words and have an amazing Spring break.

Week 26

We’ve had a very festive week during our first back to Nursery. Children thrive on celebrations and festivities. Our Eid party allowed children to participate in a joyful occasion, just like they do during other festivals such as Christmas or Diwali. Such parties provide an opportunity to teach children about different cultures and religious practices. It fosters an understanding of diversity and promotes inclusion within the nursery community. Take a look at the pictures from our Eid party!

Week 27

Nursery have been learning the days of week by singing ‘Day of the Week’ song and through the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The book introduces the days of the week as the caterpillar eats different foods each day. Using this story we have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. The transformation of the caterpillar into a butterfly is a central theme in this story. Children have been learning about metamorphosis and the different stages of a butterfly’s life cycle. To give our children a rich learning experience we have got little caterpillars in our classroom, which we observe everyday and watch their growth.

Week 28

We have been very busy looking after our caterpillars and they’ve started to grow. Looking after our world is an essential life skill for young children. By nurturing their curiosity about the natural world, we can instil kindness and responsibility. We’ve also been exploring different patterns and creating our own colour patterns. Understanding patterns helps children develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. Repeating patterns encourage children to create and identify repeating sequences using objects, colours, or shapes. Patterns can also be found in nature, such as the arrangement of petals on a flower or the stripes on a tiger. On the other hand repetitive patterns can be found in songs or rhymes.

Week 29

Our caterpillars are turning into chrysalis and we are so excited to watch them turn into butterflies soon! We have started reading a new book about snails called Snail Trail. This book follows Slimy Snail on an adventure around the backyard, where he encounters various obstacles: going up a steep hill, crossing a high bridge, and sliding down a slippery slope. The book introduces simple directional concepts. We have been searching for snails in our Nursery garden and following their trails. We’ve also been using words such as over, under, behind, on top and in front to describe the position of the snails.  

Week 30

Finally our caterpillars turned into butterflies and we went to Plashet Park to release them. It was delightful to watch the butterflies flutter away, adding a touch of magic to the world. A very big thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time to join us and shared this wonderful experience with us. Having the caterpillars in our classroom encouraged children to observe and discuss the changes they see as the caterpillars transformed into butterflies. We will definitely miss having them in our Nursery, but are now on the lookout for other minibeasts!