William Barcroft Junior School

'Success and happiness for every child'

We are very proud of our school, the children, staff and environment and of course the great support we receive from our parents.

For more information, please visit our full website by clicking here.

Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed the Summer break. Take a look at what the children have been getting up to in the first couple of weeks of the new term.

A Message from Mrs Sargent: please follow the link below,


Welcome to Mrs Edges our new office administrator, Miss Stewart and Mr Ferrier our new Acting Assistant Principals.

Rest in Peace to the UK's longest reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022).

Following the sad news regarding the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, the children at William Barcroft Junior School have been given the chance to discuss and reflect on her dedication to our county's service. We have celebrated through a range of subjects such as music, art, poetry, PSHCE and history. Please see Twitter for any updates.

The school will be closed on Monday 19th September due to a national Bank Holiday being called to help support the country in mourning the loss of our longest serving monarch. School will reopen again on Tuesday 20th September as usual.


Year 4 Workshop

On Tuesday, Year 4 got a brilliant introduction to their Ancient Egypt topic! Portals to the Past came in to deliver a fantastic workshop for the children. We started off by meeting Dr Henry Jones, who told us the story of the Pharaoh's of Ancient Egypt! We learnt so many interesting facts, such as one of the most famous Pharaohs, Cleopatra was actually the seventh Cleopatra to have ruled! We then got to experience the Egyptian board game 'Hounds and Jackals' which was actually a bit like snakes and ladders! We learnt a lot of new information from quizzes and we actually got to handle Egyptian artefacts that had come from a real tomb in Egypt! We got to see some framed bandages that had come from a real mummy, and some jewellery that had been discovered in a tomb! We had to be really careful because it was very delicate since it was so old! Finally, we spent that afternoon learning all about the mummification process and what a funeral for a Pharaoh looks like.

#wbjshistory @WBJJuniorSchool


This term we are looking forward to taking part in the maths challenge. This will take place on the week beginning the 26th September. It will be year 3s very first maths challenge-how exciting!!!

We are also looking at improving our scores on time tables rock stars. Certificates will be given out in assemblies for children who are: improving their scores, improving their speed and for general engagement.



There are many exciting things happening at the moment in our English world at William Barcroft Junior School!

'Project Library' is well underway and Miss Stewart is busy ordering books recommended and requested by the children. Our aim is to create a safe, cosy space for us to share and celebrate books as well as a quiet place to read with our friends. Keep your eyes peeled for our developments! We also have a very exciting visitor next week - celebrated and well-known author Luke Temple will be visiting school on Wednesday 21st September. He will be sharing the creative process when writing his stories, how he creates settings, characters and even villains! This links to our 'Reading Calendar' theme of 'Inside a Villain'. The children will be given an opportunity to purchase some of his books on Thursday 22nd September and even get them signed by the author himself!



The children have been collecting their tokens!! Those students that have 100% attendance each week (including being on time and no lates) can save their tokens and choose an item from the 100% attendance trolley.

#wbjspraiseculture #wbjsattendance #wbjsperfectpunctuality


This term gardening club will be starting again we will still be concentrating on clearing the raised beds.

@Bernard #wbjscelebrations

Book of Excellence

A place to exhibit our most amazing pieces of work from across our academy.

@WBJJuniorSchool @HarbourLearning #wbjscelebrations


Registration at William Barcroft Junior School is 8.50am, and we will be allowing children in from 8.40am for some warm up activities. Please do not leave your children on the playground unattended before 08:40am. Doors close at 08:50am. Our finish time is 3.05pm for all pupils.

Reminder to all parents/carers that penalties and fines may be issued for any unauthorised holidays taken during term time or persistent absences.

We have many incentives for your children regarding attendance at our school-ask your child about our 100% attendance trolley!

Please contact the school office if you have any questions. Thank you.

#wbjspraiseculture #wbjsattendance #wbjsperfectpunctuality





General Information

  • At William Barcroft Junior School we pride ourselves on having high expectations about the school uniform. Recently we have noticed that a number of children have not been wearing appropriate school shoes. If your child arrives at school without the correct footwear they will be provided with a pair of plimsolls to wear for the day. Thank you in advance for your support

  • Uniform Direct are our uniform provider for our school and provide a wide range of William Barcroft Junior School uniform available to purchase from the Grimsby store, at 54 Victoria Street (opposite Marks and Spencer Food Hall).

  • Please do not ride bikes and scooters on the school grounds, thank you.

PE kit MUST be brought to school on your child's PE days,

Year 3: Tuesday/Wednesday

Year 4: Monday/Thursday

Year 5: Thursday/Friday

Year 6: Monday/Tuesday

Autumn Term 2022

Tuesday 13th September - Y4 Portals to the Past Visitor

Thursday 15th September - Y5 Swimming begins

Monday 19th September - Bank Holiday (Queen's Funeral)

Wednesday 21st September - Luke Temple Author Visit

Thursday 22nd September - Year 5/6 Boys Football Tournament

Wednesday 28th September - Whole School Maths Challenge

Wednesday 5th October - Flu Vaccine 1

Thursday 6th October - Year 5/6 Girls Football Tournament

Thursday 13th October - Flu Vaccine 2

Thursday 20th October - Year 3/4 Mixed Football Tournament

Friday 21st October - Careers Day

Friday 21st October - Break up for half term at 3.05pm

Monday 31st October - Return to school

Monday 31st October - Y3 Portals to the Past Visitor

Friday 16th December-Break up for Christmas Holiday

Spring Term-January 2023

Wednesday 4th January-School Re-Opens

Friday 10th February-Break up for Half Term

Monday 20th February-School Re-Opens

Break up Friday 31st March-Easter Holidays

Tuesday 18th April-School Re-Opens

Monday 1st May-Bank Holiday

Friday 26th May 2023-Break up for May Half Term

Monday 5th June-School Re-Opens

Friday 21st July 2023-Break up for Summer Holidays


Emotional wellbeing is often a complex issue. Trying to work out what’s going on or why things are the way they are can often be very difficult for any parent/carer.

Children and young people can have lots of different emotional health and wellbeing issues ranging from low mood, anxiety, unhealthy eating patterns or self-harming behaviour. Thankfully Compass Go and other supporting agencies can help, visit there website here:



Apps and websites constantly update their privacy settings so please ensure you are regularly checking your children's safety settings on their devices. We wanted to remind you to check as it is important that the children feel safe whilst on their devices as well as it giving parents piece of mind that what the children can see is as restricted as possible.

Snapchat Family Centre

Snapchat has a Family Centre feature and the company has been adding a couple of updates recently which parents may find useful, this includes seeing what friends their children have been sending messages to and a complete list of their child's existing friends.

The full guide is linked below:


New Resources for Parents

Internet Matters have created dedicated hubs on their website for early years, primary and secondary aged children. These hubs are full of information and resources for parents, including common issues, top apps and platforms, resources and advice. Direct links to these hubs are:

Early Years - https://www.internetmatters.org/schools-esafety/pre-school/

Primary https://www.internetmatters.org/schools-esafety/primary/


#wbjsict #wbjsesafety

SEND: Parents Supporting Parents ~ Group Rational


Running from Central Family Hub ~ Edward Street, Grimsby, DN32 9HL

Thursday mornings from 9.30 till 11.30 – Parents / Carers and Children

Friday mornings from 9.30 till 11.30 - Parents / Carers only (due to room available)

Refreshments provided