Hello Green Team Students and Families! 

This website is your one stop for all Green Team information this year! We will post our contact information, student login information, and important dates to remember. Use the navigation button at the top (mobile) or sidebar (desktop) to explore all the tabs.

Thank you for being a part of our Green Team family this year! We are so excited to get to know you all!

Mrs. Vest, Mr. Cochran, Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Anthony 

*Scroll down for Back to School Info and our team schedule.*

Supply List 

Here is the 5th grade school supply list from the school website.

1 pkg. colored pencils

1 pink eraser

2 pkg. 24 count #2 pencils

2 highlighters

3 composition books

1 zippered pencil pouch w/ 3 ring holder

1 pkg. wide‐lined loose leaf paper

ear buds (no bluetooth)

1 pair adult scissors

2 boxes of tissue

2 glue sticks or bottles

2 bottles of hand sanitizer (12-24 oz.)

4 dry erase markers—any color

stick deodorant/antiperspirant

2 pkg. sticky notes (3x3 size)

1 inch 3‐ring binder with plastic overlay (new or used)

Supply List additions 

Below we have listed a couple changes to this school supply list for our team.

A second 1 inch 3-ring binder with plastic overlay (new or used)

2 pocket folders with prongs

Refillable water bottle

4 glue sticks instead of 2 glue bottles