Escape Room Project

IDS 101 Fall 22, Sections 17 & 21

Professors McNicholas & Nyman

“Creativity is what happens when a mind encounters an obstacle. It’s the human process of finding a way through, over, around, or beneath. No obstacle, no creativity.” - Ben Orlin


This project is all about creativity in the face of constraint.  Collaborating in groups of 2-4,  you will design and implement an escape room experience of your own.  Your escape room should 


Timeline / Due Dates: 

Purpose: To conduct the background research that will help inspire and inform your escape room narrative. The resulting annotated bibliography will organize your research and your findings, and provide a valuable resource as you develop your narrative.  Annotated  bibliographies are often assigned as a first step in a larger research paper assignment.  

Details: Read the description (including example annotated bibliographies) here, and write an annotated bibliography of 5 sources that relate to a place (or event) centered in Salem (or the Willamette Valley). This can be an extension of your previous writing assignment, or  you may choose a new place you are excited by. Your annotated bibliography should do all of the above (summarize, assess, reflect) in one paragraph per source (around 150 words per source not counting citation).

Purpose: To refine your narrative ideas with feedback from your peers.

Details:  As a group, be ready to make a 2-5 minute presentation to the class pitching your story/narrative idea to the class (you're welcome to  make two pitches if you're deciding between two different directions). You may make slides if you wish, but they are not necessary. Each person in your group should present something. Include in your presentation

Job of the listeners:  Be attentive during the presentations.   After the pitch, ask any questions you have. Raise possible challenges the group may need to avoid ("have you considered...?")  Offer feedback.

Purpose: Develop your group’s escape room narrative and collaborate with your peers to strengthen each other’s narratives.

Details: For class on Wednesday, you need to bring a complete draft of your escape room narrative.  This will consist of:


The final project grade will be based on: 
