
Research Interests

Algebraic Combinatorics, Representation Theory, Algebraic Voting Theory, Algebraic & Spectral Graph Theory, and Cryptography


Copies of select papers available:   Erin McNicholas - Google ScholarErin McNicholas - ResearchGate

Books & Edited Volumes

I'm excited to announce the publication of Explorations in Number Theory: Commuting through the Numberverse, with coauthors Cam McLeman and Colin Starr.   Quoting from the Springer website, 

This innovative undergraduate textbook approaches number theory through the lens of abstract algebra.  Written in an engaging and whimsical style, this text will introduce students to rings, groups, fields, and other algebraic structures as they discover the key concepts of elementary number theory.  Inquiry-based learning (IBL) appears throughout the chapters, allowing students to develop insights for upcoming sections while simultaneously strengthening their understanding of previously covered topics. 

Book Chapters

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

*denotes an undergraduate co-author.

Works in Progress

Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics

Last updated 1/30/2024