About Us

What is WIHA? How is it different from other Youth Equestrian Organizations?

WIHA is an equestrian competition where individuals compete as a team. Your team belongs to a district that corresponds to the county where your school is located. The goal of WIHA is to get as many schools as possible to recognize this as a sport and allow the students to letter.

Mission Statement

This constitution is established to facilitate interscholastic competition, promote a sound program of educational enrichment value and encourage a cooperative, democratic process of fair and good horsemanship.


This organization is to promote continuous growth in programs fostering horsemanship education, sponsor activities to encourage interscholastic participation and to have cooperative adult supervised leadership (coaching) for all students in grades 6 through 12 who are desirous to participate regardless of race, creed or national origin and meets the association rules and regulations.

History The Wisconsin Interscholastic Horsemanship Association (WIHA) was founded in May 2007 by Dan Grunewald. The first WIHA show was held in Jefferson, WI, in 2007, and seven teams competed. Everyone who competed and all of the spectators were excited for the WIHA. Since this inaugural show, many youth and adults have gotten involved, wanting to know how they can start the WIHA in their school.

How Does It Work?

 There are several districts throughout the state of Wisconsin. Each team competes at their corresponding district shows. A district is required to hold 3 shows throughout the season for their teams to advance to the state competition. Districts can have all 3 shows in one weekend (one day is double-judged, the other single-judged). The top teams from each division at each district show have the opportunity to move on to the state championship competition.

4 divisions in WIHA are dependent on the size of your team.

The classes are placed 1st-10th, with point numbers assigned to each place (1st = 10 pts, 2nd = 9 pts, etc.)

WIHA Class List (Grade 6-12)