WiCyS San Diego Affiliate

Our Vision

Our vision is to advance the presence and influence of women in cybersecurity. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to unite women in cybersecurity, foster professional development, and to build a diverse cybersecurity workforce in San Diego. 

Our Core Values


To raise awareness, we believe that it is crucial to unite women and allies towards our cause, and create a community of openness and support. 

Professional Development

In order to advance women in cybersecurity, continuous professional development is necessary. 


We believe that a more diversified cybersecurity workforce will help foster industry-wide development and is the key in closing the cybersecurity talent gap. 

Meet Our Leadership Team

Team members are non-paid volunteers and contribute their own time to support our cause

Executive Board and Directors

Fiscal Year 2024-2025

Tricia McMahon 

Affiliate President🔗Linkedin


Affiliate VP

Sherawn Jackson

Affiliate Secretary

Theresa Pon

Affiliate Treasurer

Jennifer Bate

Affiliate Director of Corporate Engagement

Jalane Olds

Co-Director of Corporate Engagement

Veronica Rauch

Affiliate Director of Programs🔗Linkedin

Nikki Mohan

Affiliate Director of Marketing

Committee Chairs and Volunteers

Mira Kali

Affiliate Membership Chair

Jo Anna Parker Martin

Affiliate Events Chair

Michelle Ricci

Affiliate Outreach Chair

Christine (Teenah) Eco

Affiliate Social Media Chair

Aurora Afable

Affiliate Web Administrator


Affiliate Military Liaison

Sweet Gema

Events/Social Media Advocates
Jennifer Cheung

Jennifer Cheung

Affiliate Founder

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