Wicked Prepared

Survive Today, Thrive Tomorrow

What does being "Wicked Prepared" mean to us?

Being Wicked Prepared is more than just remembering to get bread and milk the day before a big snowstorm. It's more than having a few jugs of water and some extra batteries in the basement. Being Wicked Prepared is thinking about situations that could arise and developing solutions before they impact you. It's about making a plan and setting goals so that you're able to be prepared for tomorrow but still live your life to the fullest today. It's about Yankee ingenuity, it's about making do with what you have, it's about surviving and thriving no matter what obstacle comes your way. 

We're here to help you gain knowledge, not just assemble a list of items to stock up on. We're here to help you prepare for all scenarios, long-term and short-term. And we're here to help you put your knowledge to use in every day life, not just during emergencies. We're here to share with you our experiments that have worked, the ones that have failed, and everything in between. We are here to give you a look at how we prepare and give you the tools to tailor preparations to fit your own family.  And we're here to help you get in the frame of mind of being not just prepared, but Wicked Prepared!