WHSD Health Services
Damascus Area School - Mrs. Chulada - 570.224.4114
Honesdale High School - Mrs. Utegg - 570.253.2046
Lakeside Elementary School - Mrs. Sakmar - 570.253.6820
Preston Area School - Mrs. Holbert - 570.798.2516
Stourbridge Primary Center - Mrs. Howell - 570.253.3010
WH Middle School - Mrs. Bayly - 570.253.5900
Health services
Health services
Immunization Requirements for Attendance in School
Physical Examination of School Age Student Form
Re-Certification Sports - Section 7 Form
Private Dental Examination Form
WHSD Medication Policy and Forms
Medication Administration Consent & Licensed Prescriber Order Form
Epi-Pen/ Epi-Pen Jr. Permission to Carry Form