Study Skills

10 Habits of Highly Effective Students

The Benefits of Sleep

A Few Key Points...

Getting sleep the night before a big test is a better idea than staying up late and cramming

During sleep our body balances and regulates itself

Sleep allows our brain to move memories from our short term memory to our long term memory

9 Best Scientific Study Tips

A Summary:

  1. Study in frequent, short sessions

  2. Set a specific, consistent time for studying

  3. Create flashcards or abbreviated study materials

  4. Have a goal for each session

  5. Focus on being able to teach rather than take a test

  6. Do practice tests

  7. Designate a study area

  8. No music

  9. Put away your phone and other distractions

Crash Course: Note Taking

A few key points:

Typing allows for faster note taking (more words written down)

Writing allows for better recall

Pay attention to specific needs for individual classes, teachers subjects- Not one size fits all

Take note of- big ideas, terms and definitions, diagrams, examples

3 types of note-taking discussed- outlines, Cornell notes, mind mapping

Crash Course: Memory

A few key points:

You have to spread out learning over time- cramming does not work

mnemonics help the brain create an association between the information you are trying to learn and something that is easy to remember

Memories fade away unless you repeatedly access them

Focus on recall- try to recall information without looking at your slides/notes. It is better to do a practice quiz (make your own!), write a summary, practice with real problems than to simply read through something

Sample repetition Apps- Quizlet, Anki, Tiny Cards

TedEd: Does Stress Affect Your Memory?

A few key points:

Some moderate stress, related to the thing you are trying to remember, can actually help your brain form memories when learning new things and studying

Long term, chronic, stress can actually decrease your brains ability to form new memories

Stress when trying to retrieve memories is not helpful. In fact it can have the opposite effect, actually leaving your mind blank or unable to think clearly

Some tips to help:

  • Try preparing for the test in an environment similar to the testing environment

  • Exercise to reduce anxiety and increase your sense of well being

  • During test- take deep breaths to reduce anxiety

TedEd: How to Stay Calm Under Pressure

A Few Key Points:

Two main theories for why people choke under pressure:

  • Mind gets distracted by fears, anxieties

  • Pressure causes people to overanalyze a task

How to Avoid choking under pressure:

  • Practice the task under stress

  • Create a pre- performance routine

  • Focus on the ultimate goal instead of the mechanics or small details

What Type of Learner Are You?

Take the questionnaire below to help determine what your learning style is. You might find that you heavily favor one type of learning or you might find that you are relatively even amongst the types.

Learning Style Questionnaire