Finding Balanced News Sources

Balanced News Sources

*This list of sources refers to the news section of the websites and not the opinion sections which may have stronger biases (ex. NPR News vs. NPR Opinion and Wall Street Journal News vs. Wall Street Journal Opinion)

How to find out the bias of the news you read?

The Perspective is a website that displays two sides of current and historical events. There are trending perspectives, big debates, and subjective historical timelines.

All Sides showcases information and ideas from all sides of the political spectrum. The also provide media bias ratings for news sites so you will know if they lean left, center-left, center, center-right, or right.

The Factual is a website that scores news from different media outlets based on four criteria: site quality, author expertise, and opinionated tone.

*A subscription costs $25/year or $5/month.

Fact-Checking Information and News Online

Snopes is a fact-checking resource online. is a website that monitors the factual accuracy of the news. is a website powered by The Factual, where you can insert a topic or a link to a news article to get it rated for credibility.