Jill Dailey,  Library Media Specialist


I am happy to help with any questions you have.

Clever Log-in and QR Code

The Library Media Center is an active learning environment for K-5 students. The LMC includes a collection of 16,000 books in the library and a technology lab. 

Over 500 students work each week in the LMC on literacy and technology lessons: 

Grades K-5 library media classes are 45 minutes every week.  K-2 classes have an additional 15 minute literacy or lab activity each week attached to their library media time.

Students and staff utilize the LMC for reading, research, inquiry, technology tools and training, curriculum collections, coding activities and more!

Special events include: K-5 author visits, Fall book fair, and school wide literacy nights.

Library Media staff:

Library Media Specialist, Jill Dailey


Pauline Rossmeisl, Paraprofessional  


Marisa Demankowski

Building TA (part-time K-2  LMC TA)

Thank you to the many parent volunteers who help to shelve books each week!