Setup & Key Links

Here are links you will need all year:

1) Our Team Page on this will be where you go to find what will be due in the future. This is perfect to plan your time or to see what you missed if you were absent.

2) Google Classroom: you need to login to our school google account and then this will get you to all of your classes, including our class. We will use classroom to hand in many assignments, to post and answer team questions, and to see new assignments.

3) AP Classroom: this is where we will go to practice AP Exam questions and view AP-related videos. The directions to join AP Classroom are HERE.

4) App Inventor: this is the environment we will use to code. Here are reference docs that might help you as you learn more about coding.

5) Blown to Bits: this is our online textbook

6) Mobile CSP Site: this is where we will go to learn about how to code in App Inventor

Here are some things you will need to setup on your personal computer:

1) App Inventor: follow directions HERE to setup your computer. Remember that your computer AND your device will both need to be using the same network to connect to the internet.

Valuable Chrome Extensions

  • Blur- allows you to blur your background when on Google Meet

  • Nod Reaction - allows you to share emojis and other types of reactions in Google Meet

  • Screencastify - for recording video captures of your screen

Common Issues?

  • How can I tell if I am running 32 bit or 64 bit? Click HERE for some help with that.

  • How do I access WiFi at Conard? This LINK has directions to help.

  • How should I organize my folders on Drive? Setup a folder for our course. Then below that, make a folder for each unit. Drop all items related to that unit in the folder. Keep up with this throughout the semester and you will have a beautifully organized reference for your course to use now and in the future!

  • What happens if I cannot use what I downloaded from Drive? Sometimes this can happen if you are downloading a larger file or more than one file. Often, drive compresses files to save space. Check out THIS VIDEO for how to uncompress items from drive.