
With your wellbeing in mind

Check in to see how you're doing

Check in and let me know how you're doing

Don't Forget to Breath

Take the Time to be OK

In the event of a mental health emergency, please call 911, your local Police or Sheriff station or the Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255

You're not "stuck at home", but "safer at home"

Just because you're home, doesn't mean that you're alone

Tips to make it through:

  1. Set a routine or a schedule

  2. Make sure to take the time to be "okay," set aside time to do something that you enjoy

  3. Get plenty of rest

  4. Exercise, move, run, jump

  5. Keep a journal

  6. Work on a new skill like cooking, sewing, art, juggling, magic or photography

  7. Don't worry about completing, understand that just being well in this time of change is enough

Emergency Numbers

Because crisis's can appear in times of great stress:

911 for Major emergencies

Whittier PD: (562) 567-9200

Pico Rivera Sheriffs Department: (562) 949-2421

· 1-877-7-CRISIS (Toll free 24/7 LA County)

· 1-800-273-TALK (Toll free, 24/7 Nationwide)

· 1-800-SUICIDE (Toll free, 24/7 Nationwide) 1-800-784-2433

- Domestic Violence Hotline: (562)945-3939

- L.A. County Child Abuse Hotline: 1(800)540-4000

Link to Sorensen's website

Link to Orange Grove's website