Whiteville High School - Grades 9 - 12

Advanced Placement (AP) Information 

WCS students in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to pursue Advanced Placement (AP) classes.  AP classes are taught at a rigorous level and help prepare students for college-level course. Students may earn college credit by taking and passing the AP test in May. We strongly encourage our gifted and talented students in grades 9-12 to pursue AP coursework.


College Board's Equity and Access Policy Statement 

The College Board strongly encourages educators to make equitable access a guiding principle for their AP programs by giving all willing and academically prepared students the opportunity to participate in AP.    We encourage educators to:


Only through a commitment to equitable preparation and access can true equity and excellence be achieved.

Additional information about the AP program can be found at https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home or by contacting your child's counselor.

North Carolina Virtual Public School

North Carolina Virtual Public School offers academic options in teacher-led online classes aligned to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and Essential Standards. Classes are taught by highly qualified, North Carolina licensed teachers. NCVPS provides students online courses in many subject areas including English language arts, science, social studies, math, advanced placement, world languages and CTE. Other courses include test preparation, credit recovery and Occupational Course of Study (OCS).


The North Carolina Virtual Public School is a supplemental service to the public schools of North Carolina. Students enroll through their local public school, grades are reported to their public school, and their school awards credit. The courses use learning management and collaborative software to maximize student interaction in each class. NCVPS teachers use technology to engage students as well as prepare them to be career and college ready.