1. What are the school hours? School begins at 7:50 for students and the tardy bell rings at 8:00. The students are dismissed at 2:45.

  2. What does my child need to bring to school every day? Please be sure that your child has their book bag, homework folder, behavior chart, and a snack daily. Also, if you would like to send any money for the snack shack it is open on Friday.

  3. What can I do at home to help my child? READING every night is essential to having a successful school year. Also, please make sure you are guiding them through their homework but not completing it for them. Please practice sight words, letters, and numbers at home nightly.

  4. When can I contact the teacher to discuss student progress or behavior? I am available anytime before or after school. If you call during those times I will best be able to discuss anything you might need. Please do not call during school hours unless it is an emergency so that it does not take away from instructional time. Also, I am always available through email, notes, or the ClassDojo app.

  5. What is the behavior system in place? We operate using class dojo. Students have the chance to earn points during the day for showing positive behavior. They also will lose points for negative behaviors. You will receive notifications about their daily behavior. If you have any questions please contact me and I would be happy to answer them.