Whitehouse ISD School Counseling Program 

 For the Growth and Development of All Students!


The mission of Whitehouse ISD school counseling program is to provide support and guidance to all students as a means to foster academic success, post-secondary and career preparation, and personal social development.


As Professional School Counselors, we:


Caring for Students from Early Childhood to Post-Secondary Success

Whitehouse ISD school counselors play a key role in fostering a culture of shared responsibility, empathy, and service to others.

The counseling program is guided by the principle that the academic, career, and social/emotional needs of each individual student must be served. Counselors work closely with teachers, administrators and parents to create a positive atmosphere for learning.

Parental involvement is an important aspect of the district’s philosophy. Counselors actively engage parents and community through district outreach opportunities.

The Guidance and Counseling Department of Whitehouse ISD, following the guidelines established by the Texas Legislature, requires all school counselors to assume the responsibilities for working with school faculty and staff, students, parents and the community to plan, implement and evaluate a Developmental Guidance and Counseling program. The Guidance and Counseling program shall include:

Guidance Curriculum Focus

Intrapersonal Effectiveness (i.e., positive student self-concept, appropriate behavior to the situation and environment)

Interpersonal Effectiveness (i.e., appropriate and effective communication skills, effective conflict resolution skills, development of healthy relationships)

Post-secondary Planning and Career Readiness (i.e.,  motivation to succeed in personal endeavors, demonstration of career exploration skills, awareness of the importance of postsecondary education, understanding of the relationship of academics to the world of work and life at home in the community)

Personal Health and Safety (i.e., incorporation of wellness practices into daily living, demonstration of resiliency and positive coping skills, possession of assertiveness skills necessary for personal protection)