Counseling Services
The counseling program at Gockley Elementary is designed to support our youngest learners in Kindergarten and First Grade. Direct services are provided to the students, parents, and teachers to assist in the development of positive learning experiences. The program consists of a variety of services including classroom interventions, individual counseling, group counseling, parent and teacher consultation, and referrals for assistance to other programs and services within the community.
Valley Youth House
Bounce Back - The Whitehall-Coplay School District is continuing a partnership with the School Based Counseling Program at Valley Youth House to implement the Bounce Back Program. During the Bounce Back sessions, students learn coping strategies for handling stress, relaxation skills, how to express their feelings appropriately, and work together with their small group to overcome stressful events.
Small Groups - Small groups are offered through our Valley Youth House Outreach program. Group participants are often recommended by teachers, families, or the school counselor. Groups typically run for 6-8 weeks. Small groups opportunities include feelings/coping skills, social skills, and anxiety groups. Parent/Guardian permission is required for students to participate in these groups.
Lehigh valley health network
Lehigh Valley Health Network School Based Counseling is a weekly in-person counseling session with our LVHN counselor. The session takes place during the school day in a confidential school space. Services are usually billed to child's health insurance provider or special subsidy programs. Students are referred to LVHN School Based Counseling through the Student Assistance Program (SAP). If you would like more information, please reach out to Mrs. Pevorus.
Additional supports
Small Groups - In addition to Valley Youth House groups, Mrs. Pevorus also runs small groups for our Kindergarten and First Grade students. Groups typically run for 6-8 weeks. Small groups opportunities include feelings/coping skills, social skills, and anxiety groups.
School-Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS) is a universal school-wide prevention program that teaches students expected behaviors across all settings in their school day. Positive behaviors are recognized and reinforced. Students love earning train tickets for following the I CAN expectations!