Whitefield's Spring 2 Term Learning Journey

Thank you....

This half term we have seen the children making great steps with their learning. We have had some wonderful trips and experiences. It was special to welcome you back to school for our Parent and Carer evenings. Thank you as always for your support. Please do have a wonderful Spring break.

Mrs Wright

We value each child for who they are and prepare them for who they can be.

Highlights of this half term

Over half term we started our updated curriculum known as CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership) in Geography, History, Science, Art and Design Technology. The children have really developed their knowledge and can talk confidently about their learning. We feel very proud of them.

It has been great to start some parent sessions back in school, we have had a session on Managing your child's anxiety, and a Parent's Mental Health First Aid session which were really useful.

Celebrations have included World Book Day and Neurodiversity Week, and we raised money for Comic Relief and Unicef's Ukraine relief fund.

We have welcomed several schools who have come to look at inclusion - how at Whitefield we make sure everyone accesses and progresses in their learning. The Headteachers who came were really positive about what they saw and thought your children were wonderful; well behaved, polite and interesting. We felt very proud.


Being able to read is the most important thing your child will learn at Whitefield. This half term we have had World Book Day. We shared lots of book activities and had a "Booknic" together.

Every week we have a book of the week in each key stage, and classes have zoomed with authors and enjoyed library time.

Reading Plus wrote to us to say they were amazed by the progress that the children have made.

Writing is an area we are really working on - it is the thing the children have missed particularly over lockdown.

Swipe to see all the photos


Mastering maths means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject

To do this the children spend longer with practical materials exploring the maths they are learning to make sure they really understand it before tackling written problems

We are thrilled with the maths progress the children have shown


Our Cusp Science has been so interesting this half term. We have really enjoyed using "knowledge notes" to help us remember what we have learnt, and really practising scientific thinking.

We have learned about materials, human bodies, electricity, seasons and states of matter.

This week we reviewed the Science Books and spoke to the children, they were really proud to share their learning.

Physical Education :

This term in PE the children have been practicing ball skills

A highlight was a visit from WBO female super welter weight champion Natasha Jonas. She shared her journey with the children and inspired us all


This half term we have introduced our new CUSP curriculum. The children have wowed us with their work, we have had an Artist to visit who was hugely impressed. Some of the children have applied their learning at home and brought in pieces they have worked on in their own time

Religious Education

RE gives the children understanding of the diverse beliefs & opinions held by people today. ... It helps with their own personal development & supports an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social & cultural questions that surface again & again in their lives.


Learning History helps pupils to make sense of the present as well as the past, and to appreciate the complexity and diversity of human societies and development.

Children have learnt about Vikings, Stone Age Man, the Great fire of London and famous people in history. Y6 loved a new topic on the Windrush

Year 4 visited to the World Museum to learn more about Ancient Eygpt and Year 6 went to the Maritime Museum and we had Stone Age and Viking visitors


We have been delighted to restart choir this half term and start practicing for summer term concerts

In our music lessons the children have listened to different musical genres. Next half term we will be learning samba and developing our music.

We had Akil come to school to teach us Capoeira, a Brazilain form of martial art including music, movement and creativity.

Every week in assembly we listen to a new type of music!

Design Technology

At Whitefield we want every child to have the chance to be a designer! We have continued our new CUSP curriculum this half term. The children have done amazing things!


At Whitefield computing skills are used every day in helping children to use technology to find information, record and access learning.

Children have explored databases using j2Easy and physical computing components


Personal, Social, Health and Economic learning is the subject in which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.

Like many of our subjects there is lots of discussion and hard thinking. This half term children have been thinking about 'Healthy Me'; how to eat well and look after our bodies and minds.

The children in y5 went to IntoUniversity to learn what university is and some things you can do there


The children love practicing and learning their Spanish! Studying languages is not only fun, but it’s also an essential life skill. It gives you a lot of flexibility when it comes to studying and living abroad, or even finding your dream job.

Early Years

This has been such a busy half term in Early Years. They have been moving on really fast with their phonics, reading and maths and starting to write sentences. They loved their books and flowed interests. We especially enjoyed the Supertato theme, and trying new foods on Tasty Tuesday.

We have enjoyed the better weather and have spent time outdoors,

We loved welcoming some new nursery children this half term

We are very proud to see the children's learning.

Neurodiversity Week

In Neurodiversity week we learned about different brains and how different things support us in different ways. There are No Outsiders in our school

Early Years thought carefully about what to put into their bottle babies for Neurodiversity Week, all wonderfully different and unique, just like us!

Mia came to talk to us about her super power ADHD and Sarah about our amazing brains