SEN Information Report 2024-25



The SEN report is in a mini website which can be accessed by the tabs above or links below:


What types of Special Educational Needs (SEN) do you cater for and how is support provided?




Four areas of need and support available

Jill Wright

I have worked at Whitefield  in a number of different roles, and  as Headteacher I believe that having strong Inclusive Practice is essential to enable children to thrive and learn.

Marie Beale

As Deputy Headteacher and Inclusion Manager (SENCo) I lead our approach to Inclusion across school. I have completed the NaSENCo qualification and I am a qualified SENCo  (since 2018) committed to the school community of Whitefield. I have a Natural Sciences degree with a major in  Experimental Psychology from Cambridge University and have a life long interest in Child Development. I have also been Early Years Lead at Whitefield and a Quality Improvement Officer for the local authority teaching the Early Years SENCo qualification across three local authorities. 

I also hold the National Professional Qualification for Headship and the Senior Mental Health Award

My contact is  

You can call me via the school office 0151 -263 5976


My job is Early Years Lead. I am also a qualified and experienced SENCo. 

Marguerite YOUNG

My job is Family Liaison and Safeguarding Officer

I support families in any areas needed, especially to attend school, working with the family to find out if there are barriers to school attendance and to break those down. Sometimes that also means supporting a child who is anxious or emotional about attending school, or working to overcome issues with friendships and realtionships.


My role at Whitefield is the ‘Assistant SENco’. I have a degree in Childhood studies and a Masters in Psychology focusing on child development and educational psychology. Since beginning University in 2016, I have worked in many different areas of supporting children with SEND, including therapeutic support for children with ADHD, Autism and social and communication needs, working in specialist provisions and supporting education for children with SEND.

My role as Assistant SENco includes...


My role at Whitefield is the Specialist Reading Teacher and the Mental Health and Well-being lead. I am a trained Reading Recovery Teacher and have been offering Reading and Writing interventions for over ten years. At Whitefield we believe teaching every child to be a reader  is one of the greatest gifts we can give. Reading can take you to places you have never been to before.

I am  qualified in delivering the Therapeutic programmes of Drawing and Talking, Sand Play and the Tree of Life project. I am a qualified Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher which I use in helping to improve our children's and staff well-being. My practise also helps to give our children strategies to help themselves when dealing with their emotions now and also throughout their lives. I am dedicated to improving the outcomes for all our children through building confidence, resilience and self esteem.

Time to Talk sessions take place every day, this is when I am out on the playground checking in with our children and also giving them time and space to talk.

SEN Governor

David Shaw

Our SEN Governor is responsible for

·      Ensuring they are informed about SEN systems and practices in school through meetings and school visits

·      Ensuring that the progress of learners with SEN is closely monitored through reviewing and understanding

·      internal and external data

·      Understanding how the notional SEN budget is used and ensuring that wider financial decisions do not adversely impact on the support for pupils with SEN

·      Understanding the national and local context of SEN support

·      Using their school visits to inform themselves about the work the SENCO is leading

·      Ensuring that the views of pupils and parents/carers in relation to the SEN provision that is being made are sought

·      Building a trusting and supportive relationship with the SENCO

·      Ensuring the provision of an annual report on SEN with input from SENCO and Governing Body Committee which is published on the website and updated annually.

Ongoing Staff Development and Qualification

Inclusion forms a core part of staff training. 

This year we have put in additional training for Quality First Teaching, Social Thinking, self-regulation, precision teaching and restorative justice/trauma Training.  Teaching Assistants have been trained in Numberstacks and Phonics and Blank level questioning. Staff have accessed external Elklan training, Executive Function training, Sensory training and a range of neurodoversity and ECT training from the ADHD Foundation.

New staff are trained in general Attachment and trauma-sensitive practise, and Senior leaders lead an induction day focussed on inclusive practise.

Our Inclusion Manager attends the School Improvement SEN Briefings in November and March.  

The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher have been part of the Inclusive leadership programme The Difference, looking at strategic leadership of Inclusion. This will be rolled out to Middle leaders 2023/24.

The Mental Helath lead accesses training and support from the Wellbeing hub.

The Inclusion lead has completed the Senior Mental Health Lead advanced training from Leeds Beckett university. 


Considerable thought, planning and preparation goes into utilising our support staff to ensure children achieve the best outcomes, this includes for them to gain independence and are prepared for adulthood from the earliest possible age.

Our support staff have a high level of expertise in supporting pupils and delivering interventions. They are deployed throughout school to target cohorts of children with specific needs or individual pupils. Their targeted support is decided at termly progress meetings, during which a new provision map is formulated and support staff take part in the ongoing cycle of monitoring and planning 

Some members of support staff are designated to specific support roles with pupils which is arranged through high needs funding applications to Liverpool City Council.


We work with a number of external agencies through Service Level agreements through our school SEND Consortia

Observation and assessment, direct support to children, working with staff and parents to undersrand needs and adapt provision

Advice, direct therapeutic support, assessment, review of environment

Staff training

Advice and direct support to make school a communication-friendly environment and to adapt the environment to support pupils with specific needs. OT support and other direct therapy

Lee Randall

Educational Psychologist

Some comments from our Staff when asked what words describe inclusion at Whitefield

Local Authority

Information on where the local authority’s local offer is published. 

Publication of the Local Offer to children and young people with special educational needs and their parents became a statutory duty for local authorities from 1 September 2014.

The Local Offer has two clear purposes:

To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving disabled children and those with SEN and their parents, and service providers in its development and review.

(4.2, Pg. 59/60, DfE and Dept of Health)