Home Learning

Welcome to the Whitchurch Primary School Home Learning website

This page will keep you up to date with all main school communications regarding home learning to take place during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The home learning detailed on this site can be completed during either a school closure or any school absence.

Please use the site menu to navigate to the individual year group pages.

1.6.2020 - Home Learning Changes (Year 1- 6)

From 1st June the work set by teachers in Y1-Y6 will now take the form of project work suggestions. Daily English and Maths lessons are being produced by the BBC and you can find them here https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons

We strongly recommend using these fully resourced sessions as your core daily home learning, and use the work set by Whitchurch staff to supplement your home learning.

You will also receive a weekly phone call starting this week from your class teacher (unless you opt out during the first call). The purpose of these calls is to catch up with you and your children and offer support, guidance and advice where possible. Look out for calls from withheld numbers - it will probably be your class teacher.

20.4.2020 - BBC Daily Lessons

The BBC are now producing 3x daily lessons from Year 1 - Year 6.

You can find them here...


20.3.2020 - Key Worker Expression of Need

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your patience this week. We appreciate this is a difficult time for everyone and we are working with the local authority to ascertain the number of key workers at Whitchurch Primary School.

Guidance on what constitutes a key workers is detailed below.

If you believe you fall into this category and you will require your children to attend school next week (Mon 23rd March - Fri 27th March), please complete the following form.


Please note:
- If it is at all possible for children to be at home, they should be.
- If children attend school they must bring packed lunch (unless entitled to free school meals).

Best Wishes,

Ann Griffin, Headteacher & Jonathon Morgan, Chair of Governors

Key Worker Definition

Health and social care
Frontline health and social care staff such as doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, as well as support and specialist staff in the health and social care sector. In addition it includes those working in supply chains including producers and distributors of medicines and personal protective equipment.

Education and childcare
Nursery, teaching staff and social workers.

Key public services
Those required to run the justice system, religious staff, as well as those responsible for managing the deceased, and journalists providing public service broadcasting.

Local and national government
Administrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of the Covid-19 response or delivering essential public services, including payment of benefits.

Food and other necessary goods
Those involved in the production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery of food.

Public safety and national security
Police, support staff, Ministry of Defence civilian staff and armed forces personnel, fire and rescue staff, and those responsible for border security, prisons and probation.

Those who will keep air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating during the Covid-19 response.

Utilities, communication and financial services
Staff required to keep oil, gas, electricity, water and sewerage operations running. Staff in the civil nuclear, chemical and telecommunications sectors. Those in postal services and those working to provide essential financial services.

19.3.2020 - Online Platforms - Please Read

Your child may access some home learning tasks via the websites listed on the 'Online Platforms' section of this site. If so, there will be instructions in the individual year group folders with the exception of Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds. Parents of children who use these sites will already be aware of them and should continue their use.

The primary source for home learning tasks is the Year Group folders.

18.3.2020 - Guidance on using this site

This site has three main sections.

Online platforms
This contains hyperlinks to websites that the children use regularly. Some are used by certain groups of children so don't worry if your child doesn't know what they all are. Passwords that you need will be given to children to take home.

Parents of children in Y3-Y6 should ensure that they check Mathletics and Giglets regularly as teachers will use these platforms to send work to them regularly.

Year Groups
Teachers have created a bank of home learning tasks, ideas and resources. Some are in the form of worksheets or instructions on work to complete and others are instructions on where to access work such as google classroom, mathletics etc. Any work/ideas added to these folders after Friday 20th March will be detailed in the Updates Log document that is in each year group's main folder.

We suggest completing tasks across a range of areas. Further to this, ensuring daily work is undertaken in maths and reading/writing would be advisable.

Other Resources
These are links to external websites that you may find useful.

16.3.2020 - Letter from Mrs Griffin

Dear Parents/Guardians,

At Whitchurch Primary School, we take the health and safety of all our pupils and staff very seriously, and whilst there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at the school to date, we wish to reassure you that measures are being taken in line with current advice from the UK’s Chief Medical Officer.

As a school we continue to be proactive in keeping our school community safe, including:

· Closely following the advice and protocols from Welsh Government and Public Health Wales

· Teaching the children to have best hygiene practice and reinforcing this throughout the day

· Regular checks to ensure that there is soap available in all washrooms throughout the day

· We have stocked up on hand sanitiser gel for the classroom dispensers

· We have stocked up on tissues and disposal bags

· Our Cleaning Team have been conducting an enhanced clean, especially with all contact surfaces

· We are monitoring daily all child and staff absence, and are asking about symptoms they may have.

· We are liaising closely with other users of the buildings (eg: clubs and lettings) to ensure that they have appropriate protocols in place

· We are adapting any activities which have an increased potential for spreading the virus

I would like to reassure you that contingency plans are in place to ensure some continuity of learning for our pupils, should in the worst-case scenario there be an enforced closure of schools.

We will use our Home Learning website to set learning tasks for the pupils. Completion of these tasks will be optional and at the discretion of parents. Staff will respond to pupils’ work digitally; however, we will not be collecting or marking this home learning once school reopens. The site can be accessed directly at:


Or via a shortened link:


This website is currently under construction, and will be populated with content by the end of this week. You will be issued with relevant passwords in the next few days.

In addition, the following channels will be used to communicate with parents:

· Our school website: https://www.whitchurchprm.co.uk/

· Parentmail text and email messages

· Our social media platforms – Facebook and Twitter (@whitchurchprm)

There are a number of resources available on our website, which you may find helpful in answering questions that your children may ask. It is important to talk to the children about this and reassure them, as they often worry after hearing part or mis-information.

I appreciate that this is a worrying time for us all and my intention is not to further compound that worry but to reassure you that we will do our utmost to ensure that we are proactive and measured during these challenging times.

Should you wish to discuss any of the contents of this letter with me or a member of the Whitchurch team, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I will continue to post any new information or updates via the school website, Parentmail text and email messages.

Best wishes,

Ann Griffin
