The Progressive Era:

Big Business…Big Problems?

At the turn of the century the U.S. was evolving into a more industrialized and urbanized society. As a result there were many social, economic and political changes.  Some of these changes were positive; however, some changes had a negative impact on society. Between the 1890s and the 1920s a reform movement swept the nation in an effort to correct some of the problems facing the country.  This era became known as the Progressive Era.  This time period has been credited with creating reforms that have impacted society ever since. For this assignment, you will be completing 2 tasks to familiarize yourselves with this very important era in history. 

DAY 1: Identify Progressive Era Problems and Solutions

During the Progressive Era, there were Muckrakers and Reformers who attempted to expose societal problems and bring about solutions during that time. 

* Use the graphic organizer below to gather information about Progressive Era problems, the people who attempted to address the issues, and the solutions they came up with. 

DAY 2: Analyze a Progressive Era Political Cartoon

A political cartoon is an illustration containing commentary that relates to current events or personalities. An artist draws such images, which typically use satire, to question authority and draw attention to corruption and other social ills. 

* Locate a Progressive Era cartoon that highlights one of the societal issues you researched in Task 1 (government corruption, monopolies, poor working conditions, mass urbanization) - and complete the Cartoon Analysis Worksheet below.

 Internet Resources for Political Cartoons:


Now that you have learned about the Progressive Era, you must develop a 5-slide PowerPoint that addresses the following statement:

"The United States benefited from the rise of big business, however, there were many problems that developed as a result. Reformers and Muckrakers worked hard to address the problems caused by rapid industrialization, and as a result of their efforts, many reforms were achieved that continue to benefit society today."


PE-graphic organizer.docx
Cartoon Analysis Worksheet.docx