Finding the right match between research question and method is like picking the right character when playing a video game. Each character has traits that fit different situations. Now that you have learned the 10 different research methods, you must find a fictional character to match the method.


Observational studies are ones where researchers observe the effect of a risk factor, diagnostic test, treatment or other intervention without trying to change who is or isn't exposed to it. Cohort studies and case control studies are two types of observational studies.

Uatu, also known as The Watcher, took an oath to never interfere in the affairs of the Multiverse and simply observe what went on. As he was a fifth dimensional being, he spent his time in the Nexus of All Realities so that he could observe all universes.

Your Tasks

Part 1:

Using THIS DOCUMENT assign a fictional character to each of the research methods. First you should read your descriptions of each method and pick out their "traits." Then you can search for fictional characters who share those traits. In the box, write the character's name and trait that he/she shares with the method.

Part 2:

Each student will select the method that best aligns to their personal research topic.

Create a flyer for your method that features: