Virtual Field Day

Please watch the videos below from your Principals and The William Floyd Physical Education Department.

After watching the message from your Principals and Teachers watch each event video and remember to record your scores.

Event #1: Keep It Up

How to Play:

Grades K-2- count how many times you can hit the balloon up in the air in 30 seconds.

Grades 3-5 count how many times you can hit the balloon up the air in 1 minute.

Challenge: Use more then one balloon or make it a family event and count how many times you and your family contact the balloon before it hits the ground. How many touches did you count?

Ideas for Equipment: A balloon, a plastic grocery bag filled with air (see Mr. Noll’s video for instructions) or medium to large lightweight ball.

Be sure to record your score.

Event #2: The Balance Run

How to Play:

Set up a “cone” for starting point and another “cone” 20 steps away (grades K-2 use 15 steps).

Have a family member time how fast you can balance a frisbee on your head while you travel the designated distance and back. How fast did you go? Ideas for Equipment: Frisbee, book, coloring book or notebook. Cones, rocks, logs, shoes or chairs.

Be sure to record your time.

Event #3: Find The Floyd

How to Play:

Write the letters F-L-O-Y-D on a piece of paper to help you stay on task during the activity.

Find and collect household items that begin with each letter. This activity can be done either inside or outside. If you find something that you cannot pick up, record it on your paper.

How many items did you get?

Challenge: Try to complete this task in 1 minute.

Ideas for Equipment: a pen and paper

Remember to record items.

Event #4: Back Board Bank It

How to Play:

Set a basket in front of a wall and try to get as many balls/objects into the basket using the wall as your backboard. We suggest using 5 balls/objects.

How many balls did you get in the basket in 1 minute?

Ideas for Equipment: Any kind of small sized ball or socks rolled up, crumpled up paper or small stuffed animals. Basket, box, laundry basket, empty garbage can or empty bucket.

Remember to record your score.

Event #5: Spoon Relay

How to Play:

Use two objects about 15 steps apart as “cones”. Balance an object on a spoon and move around the two “cones” as fast as you can. If the object falls, pick it up and continue from where it hit the ground. Try to complete as many laps as possible in 1 minute.

How many laps did you do?

Ideas for Equipment: For “cones” you can use shoes, buckets, chairs or any object that is safe to run around. You can use a small sock ball or any small round object. A substitution for a spoon can be a spatula.

Remember to record your laps.

Event #6: Knock it Down

How to Play:

Stack 6 items to create a pyramid. 3 on bottom, 2 in the middle, 1 on top. You then have 5 attempts to knock them all down. Each cup is worth 5 points.

How many points did you get?

Ideas for Equipment: Any kind of small lightweight ball, small stuffed animal or rolled up socks. Plastic solo cups, toilet paper rolls, tissue boxes or any kind of stacking blocks.



Billy Floyd challenges you to a sit-up, push-up, and air squat competition! Please watch the video below and record how many you can do when you are done.

If you are in grades K-2 watch this video.

If you are in grades 3-5 watch this video.

To receive your certificate please click on your school and complete the form. Once you submit the form you will be able to print your certificate!

If you would like to continue the Field Day fun, here are some printable word searches and coloring pages!

We would like to thank the parents, family members and students for participating in this year's virtual field day. We hope you had a lot of fun. We miss you and can’t wait to see you in September! Please remember to stay safe, active and as always...


In case you missed the trailer....