Practice Tips and Strategies

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What is Practicing??

=Playing your instrument at home with SPECIFIC goals in mind

FUN FACT: When we sleep, our brains build MYELIN.  This substance allows nerve cells to transmit information faster and allows for more complex brain processes.  In other words, working on a task a little each day and then "sleeping on it" will always be more effective learning than "cramming." 

Practicing FAQs:

My sound is scratchy!  What's wrong?

It could be a few different things...

-Do you have a bow tunnel with your right hand?

-Is your bow going between the bridge and the fingerboard?

-Is your bow going straight?

-Are you using a gliding motion with the bow?

-(Violin/Viola) Is your instrument on your shoulder?

I put one finger down to make an E on the D string, but it doesn't sound like the right note. 

-Is your finger on the tape?  If your finger is in a different place it will make a different pitch.

-Is your finger hoding the string all the way down?

I am not getting any sound when I use the bow.

-You may need rosin.  When was the last time you used rosin?  You should put some on each week, or more often if you practice a lot :)

-Is your bow traveling between the bridge and the fingerboard?  If not, it may not make a clear sound.

Sometimes when I play through a song, I get lost or can't keep a steady speed (tempo).  What should I do?

Here are some strategies: