Weekly Announcements

Monday: Greetings

Greetings in Niue

Here’s how we say hello

“Fakalofa lahi atu” - a big hello or some people say

“Fakalofa atu”.

To ask a person, how are you? We say “Malolo nakai a koe?” and to reply, I’m good, we say “Malolo, fakaaue” or “E Malolo”

Another video resource here

Tuesday: Introducing yourself

Here's how you can introduce yourself and tell someone else your name. Start by saying “Fakalofa lahi atu”. Then we say “Ko e higoa haaku ko _______” - translates to My name is _____. OR we say “Ko au ko _______” - translate to “I’m (insert name)” OR we say "Ko __________ e higoa haaku" - translates to "_______ is my name".

Here's a task for you to complete in class

Wednesday: Count to 10

Count with us to 10 in Niuean/ Totou tau numela 

Zero - nakai (nah-kay)

One - taha (dah-ha)

Two - ua (oo-ah)

Three - tolu (dor-loo)

Four - fa (far)

Five - lima (lee-mah)

Six - ono (or-noh)

Seven - Fitu (fee-too)

Eight - valu (vah-loo)

Nine - Hiva (hee-var)

Ten - hogofulu (ho-ngo-foo-loo)

Task: Can you find the similarities of the numbers in Niue with other Pacific languages?

Thursday: Days of the Week

Here's how we say each day of the week in Niue.

Monday - Aho Gofua

Tuesday - Aho Ua

Wednesday - Aho Loto

Thursday - Aho Tuloto

Friday - Aho Falaile

Saturday - Aho Faiumu

Sunday - Aho Tapu

Task: Each day has a special meaning. Find out what they are

Friday: Fruits

Here are some fruits in Niue. Can you find out which fruit doesn't grow in Niue?

Fruits - Tau fua lakau

Banana - fua futi

Apple - fua apala

Orange - fua moli

Watermelon - fua meleni

Coconut - fua niu

Video resource: Tau fua lakau

Task: Can you compare fruits in Vagahau Niue to your own language? Are they the same or different?