Smart Relationships

Smart Learners: 

We are commenting on blog posts from the Film Festival 

PTH comments poster.png

Code to add a link to your blog comment:

<a href="Insert link">Insert text</a>

We are learning to create using coding

Scratch Blog Commenting


We are practicing how to comment on blogs


Blog Comment Template II

We are learning how it is cool to be kind

We are learning about how to reply to blog comments

The Ultimate Guide to Replying Online

Make a copy of the slides, rename and file in your Cybersmart folder.

We are learning about how to be kind online

SMART ways to respond when someone is mean to you online

Make a copy of the slides, rename and file in your Cybersmart folder.

On Canva:

First Name only

We are learning about commenting on blogs

PTH comments poster.png

Kia ora,

I like... in your post.

When I learnt this I ... (e.g. enjoyed, found it hard)

My question is...

Your name