Third-Grade Handbook

West Yellowstone School

Teacher: Mrs. King

School Phone: 646-7617

General Classroom Procedures and Information

Hours of the School Day

School begins at 8:15 a.m. every day and ends at 3:29 p.m. Monday, and Wednesday through Friday. School ends at 2:56 on Tuesday.


Regular school attendance is critical to your child’s success this year. The instruction your child will be receiving requires his or her presence and participation in the classroom setting. If you know your child will be absent ahead of time, please let the office know. If you just tell me, I might not get the message to the school secretary in time. The more time I have to prepare make-up work for your child, the better. If a child is absent, they will be responsible for their make-up work.


The morning routine begins at 8:15. By making sure that your child arrives at school on time, you can make sure his/her routine and that of the entire class is not disrupted.

Lunch Time

Our lunch recess takes place before lunch. Recess starts at 11:05 a.m. Lunch follows at 11:25 and ends at 11:50. Please make sure your child’s lunch money gets to the office as needed or pay on the Infinite Campus Portal.


We have P.E. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please make sure your child has proper P.E. shoes to wear. Those shoes may be left at school. 


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year. I get to school each morning around 7:45 a.m. and do not leave until after 4:00 p.m. You may also contact me via email or call the school. Another great way is to write a note in your child's Assignment Book. I try to check them every morning and can write back to you.  Keep an eye out for important papers coming home in your child’s homework folder periodically. 


They will bring home an assignment notebook each night that I have initialed after checking that they wrote down the correct homework. I may also write down any notes or occasionally test grades in the assignment book as well. Please check your child’s notebook each night and sign your initials so that I know you are aware of the assignments for that night. 

During library time students are encouraged to find two AR books, according to their individual levels. I would like one book to stay at school and one to go home. We also have hundreds of AR books in our classroom that are able to go home and come back. When the child has read their book they will take a quiz on it here at school. If they take an AR quiz at home, please write me a note with their score or print out the report. 

Please make sure your child is reading their AR book nightly. I cannot stress enough how important this is!

Report Cards/Conferences/Grading

In an effort to have the home and school work as a team, I will keep you informed of your child’s academic and social progress. I will contact you if your child is having difficulty in any area. For your part, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns, or if there are any significant changes regarding your child.

The school year is divided into quarters, and your child will receive a report card at the end of each one. Report cards can be accessed through the school's Grade Book System: Infinite Campus. Please contact the office if you have not already set up the Parent Portal. This is the second year that third grade will be using Standards Based Grading. 


I appreciate and encourage family involvement at school. If you are able to volunteer at school, please remember to honor each child’s privacy by not discussing them, or their progress, outside of the classroom. Just let me know if you are interested!


If your child would like to bring in a Birthday treat that is fine with me! I will send notices home for holiday celebrations as they occur. 

Cross-over Schedule

Monday-Music and Library


Wednesday-Music and P.E.

Thursday-Art and Guidance



I will be following the school-wide behavior management plan.  Attached is a copy of my management plan as well as below.

*Classroom Management Plan*


1. Be safe.

2. Be responsible.

3. Be respectful.






 Per Week: “Paws” for Reflection

      assign 1 day ISS


Per Month: “PAWS” for Reflection

Upon receiving a 3rd PAWS for Reflection during any given month, NO PAWS Party!


**Scholastic Book Orders

Hey there, families!


Ready to discover the characters and stories your kids love? With expertly curated selections, plus the chance for your teacher to earn rewards for the classroom with every order, Scholastic Book Clubs is here for you all year long to boost your kid's reading fandom and maybe even create moments of quality time you can share together!


Place an order of $25 or more and you can pick a FREE $5 book (use code READS at checkout) to add to your reader's TBR pile!


Family Order Due Date: 09/27/23






Invite relatives and friends to help your child discover the pure joy of reading when you share our Class Page link. Every order benefits our classroom, helping me earn FREE books and resources that every child can enjoy.


Thanks for your support!