After School Program

 Important Announcements! 

The After School Program is back to Monday Through Friday from the time school is dismissed until 5:30 sharp!

 Monday- Friday 3:15pm-5:30pm

West Yellowstone School, in partnership with 21st CCLC, is offering an After School Program Mondays through Fridays. After School begins as soon as the students are dismissed from class and students need to be picked up no later than 5:30 PM each of those days. 

Please fill out the registration form to enroll your child in the program. There is no cost to participate, but we must have the completed form returned to the office before your child begins attending the program. 


We have asked all parents and guardians to pick up their children promptly at 5:30 PM. We cannot leave the school until all kiddos are picked up. We have had to stay longer than 5:30 PM most days, and unfortunately, we now have to make a policy change. As a result, we have to begin 2023 by implementing a late pickup fee. The fee will be $5.00 for the first minute and then $1.00 for each minute thereafter. All late fees collected will be used to improve and enhance the program for your child.

Program overview

Welcome to the After School Program Site!

The After School Program is intended to be a safe place for kids to go with working parents that may not get off until after school get out. We all know how that goes here in West Yellowstone. We are also here to help for any students K-6th that need extra help on their school work and/or homework. Because let's be honest.... Kids do not like to sit still and work as well with Mom or Dad being their teacher.

Now is the time we are revamping our After School Program Curriculum and structure! 

Everyday we start off on the right foot with a snack, and then we jump into our physical activity. We go outside as often as we can as long as the weather cooperates. If not, we try to go to the gym or do GoNoodle inside our class room. Next, we will check all the kids' folders for homework and help each student when needed. If there is no homework, they will go to our reading corner to do some AR reading for their classrooms and earn some stickers! After homework and reading time we will do our activity of the day, whether it be math, science, ELA, etc... We finish off the day with class clean-up, and prepare for parent pick-up! 


 Weekly and Daily Schedule

Weekly Schedule K-2nd

Mon- 3:15pm-5:30pm

Tues- 3:00pm-5:30pm

Wed- 3:15pm-5:30pm

Thur- 3:15pm-5:30pm

Fri- 3:15pm-5:30pm

Weekly Schedule 3rd-6th

Mon- 3:30pm-5:30pm

Tues- 3:00pm-5:30pm

Wed- 3:30pm-5:30pm

Thur- 3:30pm-5:30pm

Fri- 3:30pm-5:30pm

Daily Schedule K-2nd

3:15pm- Welcome & Snack

3:30pm- Free Color/Draw

3:45pm- Physical Activity

4:15pm- Homework and AR Reading

4:45pm- Activity of the day

5:15pm- Classroom Clean-up and prepare for Parent Pick-up

Daily Schedule 3rd-6th

3:30pm- Welcome & Snack

3:45pm- Physical Activity

4:15pm- Homework and AR Reading

4:45pm- Activity of the day

5:15pm- Classroom Clean-up and prepare for Parent Pick-up

The activity of the day will consist of an interactive craft, game, lesson, or project. Some days it might be a math game such as Shut the Box, flashcards, dice games, card games, etc... Craft activities can be bead making, coloring, cut and paste art, holiday crafts, etc... Sometimes we even get our hands a little dirty and make things like play-doh and slime! Crafts like these teach kids to read instructions, following directions, self control, and more! All while having fun and being independent.