
B Block 2022-23

Welcome to Physics!

Your first equation of the year is P = E^3 which stands for Physics is (equals) Everyday Experience Explained!

The thing that I love about physics is that it gives you a language to understand and appreciate the world around you in a new way! We've all been "doing" physics our whole lives from the first time we dropped a spoon as an infant to the last time you checked your phone. It's ALL physics!

From Aristotle's notion of the Natural Philosophy to Neil deGrasse Tyson's explanation in Cosmos of how gravity travels in waves, humans have studied physics forever. We've made tremendous progress but we are really only at the beginning! There's a multiverse full of things to learn!

This year we'll take a look at mechanics, waves, electricity & magnetism, and energy. We'll pull together several units about Newton's big equation of F=ma which explains why things move (F), what moves (m) and how things move (a). We'll learn how to represent our knowledge in multiple formats, including through math, graphs, explanations, diagrams, and more. By the end of this course, you will be able to...

...explain the physics behind driving safely

...demonstrate an understanding of our energy crisis and global warming

...model how information travels throughout our society in waves electromagnetic devices and understand the basics of household electricity