Anatomy & Physiology

Welcome to Anatomy & Physiology!

This year we'll take a look at the how the human body maintains homeostasis with all its amazing parts working in concert. We'll look at all the levels of organization that come together to create the body: from the system level all the way down to the atomic level. We'll investigate some of the latest studies in understanding how the brain works and perform several animal organ dissections (eye, heart, brain, kidney). The course is differentiated by incorporating various lenses through which to study the body such as

  • developmental processes,

  • comparative anatomy,

  • evolution,

  • biological sexes,

  • pathologies,

  • homeostasis,

  • levels of organization

Homeostasis and the relationship between structure and function are reoccurring themes throughout the year.

Unit 1 - The Eye - Structure and Function, Homeostasis, Feedback Loops and Terminology

Unit 2 - Histology (Tissues)