
Welcome to our Year 2 web-space!

Here's where you can find information about who's who in year 2 and what the children are learning. 

The Year 2 Team


Hello, I'm Mrs Grant and I will be teaching Seuss class this September from Monday to Thursday mornings. During the afternoons and on Fridays, Mrs Barker will be teaching Seuss Class. I am also Year 2 Lead. I am so excited to be teaching year 2 again this year! 

I really enjoy sharing books and I can't wait to share some of my favourites with you all. Be sure to let me know of any recommendations or favourites that you would like me to share!

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my little boy and going on long beach walks with my two dogs Belle and Lola. 


Hello everyone! My name is Miss Hoff and I will be teaching Dahl class on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 

I am so thrilled to teach Year 2 again and will enjoy making learning magical. This year we have got many exciting things planned from discovering new books to taking trips out! 

When I'm not at school, I love to spend time with my daughter and create memories together. 


Hello! I'm Miss Norman and I'll be teaching in Bloom class this year! I am really excited to be teaching Year 2 and moving over to Maple Site! I can't wait for all the exciting topics we will be covering together this year. 

My favourite thing to do at School is to read stories together - I can't wait to share some of mine and hear all about yours too. 

When I'm not at School, I play hockey, run and love spending a day at the beach! 


Hi, I'm Miss Fowler I am teaching Morpurgo class this year. 

I love all things Disney! In between loving Disney, I love to travel the world, try new and different food and explore some of the most magical places; baking and going to the cinema, sometimes three times a week! On top of an adventurous lifestyle, I do really enjoy a cup of tea and chocolate biscuits to wind down my day. 

One of my favourite books is not well known. It is a childhood favourite of mine called "I love my little story book"- A little rabbit who loves books and travels through his books adventures.