Westside Middle School is hosting the 17th Annual Battle of the Show Choirs Contest on Saturday, Feb. 25th. Sixteen choirs from across Nebraska and Iowa will be participating in this competitive event. On this page you can find basic information about the contest regarding directions, parking, t-shirt sales, and the schedule for the day.
Program: $5.00
Children age 5 and under are free
** Cash and Credit/Debit Cards will be accepted for all sales (admission, concessions, t-shirt sales, floral sales)**

Get your gear! Lots of great merchandise will be sold on site this year including crew neck sweatshirts, hoodies, t-shirts and beanies. The merch store will be held in the gym near the concessions. Here is a peek at some of the gear.
We will be serving concessions for the entire day, starting as early as 7:00 AM with breakfast. We will offer a variety of food choices, which we invite you to enjoy. Please note, purchased concessions will not be permitted into the Homeroom or Auditorium areas.
** Cash and Credit/Debit Cards will be accepted for concession sales **

Directions and Parking
DIRECTIONS TO WESTSIDE: Westside Middle School is located at 8601 Arbor Street (87th Street and Arbor Street) Omaha, NE 68124. The Google maps link is
If you are traveling from out of town from the West, you will take the I-680 North Exit off of I-80. Take the Pacific St. exit and turn right. Turn right (south) on 90th street. Turn left (East) on Arbor Street. Five Points Bank is on the Northeast corner. Westside Middle School will be on your right. If coming from the East, take the 84th St. exit from I-80 and travel North to Center St. Turn left on Center and head West. Turn right(north) on 90th street until the first stoplight, which is Arbor St. Turn right (East) on Arbor St.

SPECTATOR PARKING: Spectators may access the school from Arbor Street through the school parking lot OR from West Center Road via Alpine Drive (the drive south of the school near the football field). Buses should not use Alpine Drive. While our main parking lot has very limited space, spectators may also find parking in one of the following locations:
Arbor Street (parking permitted along the south side of the street)
Residential streets to the north of Westside Middle school
Parallel parking permitted along the east side of Alpine Drive (the drive south of the school near the football field)
We also offer overflow parking south of the school (on the south side of West Center Road) in the Canfield Shopping Plaza. We will be providing a shuttle bus to/from the overflow parking at Canfield Plaza to the school. There is also a pedestrian bridge connecting the overflow parking lot at Canfield Shopping Plaza to the Westside Middle School property.