Noetic Math Set 2

Problem #1

Gooey Bakery sells sugar cookies for $2 each or in packs of 6 for $10. What is the least amount of money needed to buy 20 sugar cookies from Gooey Bakery?

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Problem #2

Jack, Kirk, and Liam are standing on an award podium, as shown below. Liam is not in third place, and he is not standing next to Jack. What number is on the podium Kirk standing on?

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Problem #3

The following square is made of 4 identical rectangles. The perimeter of the square is 48 in. What is the perimeter of one of the rectangles?

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Problem #4

Amber’s age is a multiple of 6. One year ago today, her age was a multiple of 7. Given that she is younger than 75 years, how old is Amber?

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Problem #5

Nathan, Alan, Becky and Allison are each holding one of the following 4 cards. Nathan and Alan both have Spades. Becky and Alan both have the same number. Which one has the 9 of hearts?  

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Problem #6

Jason and Tasha played the card game UNO this afternoon. Before they started playing, each was given plenty of marbles. After each game, the loser gave the winner one marble. After they finished playing, Jason had 9 more marbles than he had in the beginning. Given that there were no ties and Tasha won 3 games in total, how many games did they play in all?

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Problem #7

Two ants are on two adjacent corners of a square pond with sides 40 feet long as shown below. They walk counter-clockwise. Ant A walks 20 feet per minute and ant B walks 10 feet per minute. After how many minutes will ant A and B be on two adjacent corners of a square again?

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Problem #8

Teja bought a 19-year-old house on July 1, 1986. How old was the house when Teja sold it on July 1, 2021?

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Problem #9

There are 35 students in Mrs. Roger’s class. On Spirit Day, 28 of her students wore red shirts and 17 of her students wore face paint. All the students who wore face paint also wore red shirts. How many students in Mrs. Roger’s classwore neither red shirts nor face paint?

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Problem #10

In a soccer tournament, Allison, Mehar and Zoey scored a total of 7 goals. Each of them scored at least 1 goal, and each scored a different number of goals. Zoey scored the most goals. How many goals did Zoey score?

Problem #11

A nursery has pumpkins on sale. For every two pumpkins purchased at the regular price, a third pumpkin can be bought for $1.00. Paula bought 12 pumpkins for $60.00. What was the regular price for one pumpkin?

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Problem #12

Abby, Bob, Cindy, Diane, and Ethan went to see a movie. When they got there, they sat in these five seats: A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5, as shown to the right. Abby took seat A2, and Bob took seat A5. Cindy took the seat in between Abby and Ethan. Which seat did Diane take?                   

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Problem #13

The following jersey numbers belong to Cory, Ethan, Jacob, and Matt (not necessarily in that order). The sum of Jacob’s number and Matt’s number is 55. The sum of Cory’s, Ethan’s and Jacob’s numbers is 88. If Cory’s number is greater than Ethan’s, what is Cory’s jersey number?

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Problem #14

A row of roses is planted in a repeating pattern of “red, red, yellow, yellow, pink, pink”.  There is a total of 100 roses planted in the row. How many red roses are there?

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Problem #15

The mean of a set of 7 different positive integers is 10. The median is 12. What is the maximum possible value of the largest number? 

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Problem #16

Ben has as many brothers as sister. His sister, Beth, has twice as many brothers as sisters. How many boys and girls are there in the family?

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Problem #17

Catherine just finished a routine in a gymnastics contest. There were 7 judges and each judge gave an integer score from 1 to 10. Catherine received a mean of 8.0 from the 7 judges. However, if the highest and lowest scores were removed, the mean of the 5 remaining scores would be 8.2. What was the lowest possible score that Catherine could have received? Answer Key For Teacher

Problem #18

Harrison typed a list of consecutive whole numbers starting with 1 and left no spaces in between. The list of numbers he typed consists of 99 digits. What is the last digit he typed?

If 3 teachers grade 40 tests in 3 hours, how many hours will it take 12 teachers to grade 480 tests? 

Problem #19

Sam the Squirrel found a basket of pine cones one morning. He decided that every day he would double the number of pine cones in the basket in the morning and eat 2 pine cones out of the basket in the afternoon. At the end of the third day, there were 34 pine cones in the basket. How many pine cones were in the basket when Sam the Squirrel found it?

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Problem #20

The product of two integers is 1000. Neither of the integers contains any zero digits. What is the larger of the two numbers?

Problem #21

Kim just finished a routine in a gymnastics contest. There were 7 judges and each judge gave an integer score from 1 to 10. Kim received a mean of 8.0 from the 7 judges. However, if the highest and lowest scores were removed, the mean of the 5 remaining scores would be 8.2. What was the lowest possible score that Kim could have received?

Problem #22

It is a perfect day to be outdoors. Truman’s Bike shop is very busy. There are a total of 15 bicycles and tricycles in the shop. The total number of bicycle wheels in the shop is the same as the total number of tricycle wheels in the shop. How many bicycles are there in the shop?

Problem #23

Wendy is 4 years older than Connie. Connie is 4 years older than Tim. If the sum of these three ages is 45. How old is Tim?

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Problem #24

Place a number in each of the following empty boxes so that the sum of the numbers in any 3 consecutive boxes is 2100. What is the number that should go in the box with the question mark?

Problem #25

Tomorrow is Teacher Appreciation Day. Madison prepared some gift bags for her teachers. For some bags, she put 6 cookies in each bag. For the remaining bags, she put 3 cookies and 1 movie ticket in each bag. In total, she used 39 cookies and 5 movie tickets. How many gift bags did she prepare?

Problem #26

In how many ways can Beth, Chloe, Dee and Ella stand in a line if Beth doesn’t stand by Ella?  

Problem #27 

While Elijah was cleaning the basement, he saw ants and spiders. He counted 15 heads and 96 legs. How many spiders did he see? Note: Every spider has 1 head and 8 legs, and every ant has 1 head and 6 legs

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