Reopening of the Westport Public Schools

Westport Public Schools has formed a steering committee and associated work groups to examine and develop contingency plans for reopening schools for 2020-2021 school year. We are pleased to inform you that the Committee’s work is well underway. However, there is still significant work to be completed as work groups examine various options and consider implications for each proposal. Fortunately, we have over one hundred teachers, administrators, staff and parents that have volunteered to assist with this endeavor.

We know that our students, parents, teachers, and staff will have numerous questions. Throughout the process, the steering committee will be presenting updates and eliciting public feedback. For the public’s convenience the district has developed this webpage which will house the Committee's work, address questions, and provide updates throughout the process.


  • Develop plans that work well in our community relative to the reopening of schools and communicate these plans to all district stakeholders.

  • Develop a plan that ensures an effective distance learning program in the event school closures extend beyond the 2019-20 school year.

  • Develop a blended learning plan that allows for appropriate social distancing and other health and safety measures that will minimize and mitigate the spread of COVID19.

  • Develop plans for transitioning from one educational model to another.


  • Blended Learning Plan - Schools reopen on time in September 2020, implementing a blended learning model and modified schedule

  • Distance Learning Plan - School reopening is delayed in September 2020 due to the prevalence and spread of COVID-19

  • Transition Plan I - Schools reopen on time in September 2020, but close due to prevalence and spread of COVID-19

  • Transition Plan II - Schools do not reopen in September 2020, but at some point during the school year we transition to a traditional or blended learning model

Guiding Principles:

  • The health and safety of our students, teachers and staff will inform all decisions

  • Recommendations will conform with federal, state, and local mandates and guidelines.

  • Distance and blending learning models will be designed to provide high quality, interactive learning experiences for students

  • Fiscal implications will be estimated and considered for all recommendations.


Phase I

During the months of May and June the Steering Committee, with support of its working groups, will develop initial recommendations for the Board of Education’s consideration. Updates will be provided to the Board of Education at its meetings on June 8, 22, & 29 2020

Phase II

Recommendations will be presented to the Board of Education at their meeting on July 13, 2020

Phase III

Steering Committee oversees implementation and modification of Reopening Plan throughout 2020-2021.