Additional Resources

Additional Support

My philosophy on teaching and learning is based on the idea that all students can learn and achieve. Although this class may demand a lot from students, every aspect of the curriculum and my teaching practices are geared with student development in mind. It is my goal to foster students into self-dependent and intrinsically motivated citizens who are equipped with the skills necessary to succeed in higher education and beyond. At times, it may be challenging for students to adjust to the high caliber demanded of them, but know they are not alone in this feat.

To support student success, I will be offering office hours, by appointment, Monday-Thursday. This time can be used for homework help, assistance with notebook organization, catch-up, and anything else I can offer to help the student succeed. A schedule will be posted outside my classroom.

Video Tutorials


Answer keys for homework assignments are posted on GoogleClassroom!

Please encourage your student to use this as a resource!