Summer Resources

Dear Students,

If you are feeling stressed, depressed, anxious or overwhelmed, we can help. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and we can assure you that recovery is possible. Suicide can be preventable. If someone you know someone who is considering suicide, do not leave him or her alone. Try to get your loved one to seek immediate help from his or her doctor, a hospital emergency room or call 911. Support your loved one in engaging in mental health services and wellness planning. Please click here for who to talk to now or click here if a friend needs help

Dear Parent,

We know and understand that summer can be an especially difficult time for students. Among this website you will find resources for both your student and for you on our parent resource page

Still don't feel like you are finding what you need? Although we are not in the office over the summer, we do have access to email and do check it occasionally, however we cannot guarantee a timely response. If you are still looking for resources please feel free to send us an Email . If this is an emergency, call 911.

Never forget, we believe in you and miss you. You can do anything you!

Kindly, Ms.Rachel & Ms.Geoa