12 Physics

12 Physics

Meet recordings

If you missed a Meet, look in here for it.

Keeping in touch

The button on the left can be used to connect with me during my available times on the slideshow.

You have plenty to keep you busy, but feel free to be flexible with your work times to make the most of good weather and whanau activities. We will meet online at least twice a week and I will send Meet invitations for those. Make sure you know what you should be working on, from the slideshow above, and bring any questions. Email me with any questions.

Remember to use proper meeting etiquette

Class times are P3 Tuesday (11.20am), P5 Thursday (2.00pm) and P2 Friday (10.00am).

12Phys assessment statement.pdf

A universe from nothing

If you have a spare hour, have a look at this for inspiration about how everything we see could have come from nothing. But, one has to rethink the idea about what nothing is ...

Year 12 Physics course description 2017
About your teacher

Covid-19 (measuring success)

An interesting article on using logarithmic graphs to understand how to measure how effective measures are to contain Covid-19. This is about depicting information rather than about the disease.

Logarithmic graphs again ...

This one just to look at the graphing techniques without being bound to an application.