40 Book Challenge

πŸ“š 40 Book Challenge πŸ“š

6th Grade Reading- 40 Book Challenge

Book Resources

Earn Incentives

Prizes are not meant to motivate, they are for fun. Motivation must from inside. It must come from your passion to grow, learn, and become more of your true self.

Read Five Chapter Books?

You earned a day off of Lexia, enjoy.

Read Ten Chapter Books?

Complete 10 books and Ms. Erickson will give you some fun stickers and lollipops!

Read Twenty Chapter Books?

Choose two friends to hang out and chill with for 15 minutes during class! You can hang outside at the blue tables or flex space!

Did you complete the 40 Book Challenge?

  • Pizza and Ice Cream Party with everyone who completed the challenge! We hope it is all of you so we can party and enjoy delicious food together!

  • Feel accomplished, proud, and AMAZING! You did it!