All About Me

I grew up in Sonoma County. I have three sweet, spunky kiddos who keep me on my toes.

I earned my BS in Early Childhood Education, and received my Masters in Education.

I love to spend time at the beach, love to read, and LOVE to teach! I am passionate about hands-on exploration in the classroom, social emotional learning, and I love to incorporate music and art in the classroom. I love working with kindergarteners, and feel grateful to have found a place at Westlake Charter School!


My favorite colors are red, turquoise, and mustard yellow

I love anything coconut scented

My favorite drink is sparkling water

I collect teacher pens, fun visual timers, and deliciously flavored chapstick

My favorite school supplies are Mr. Sketch markers and Sharpies

My favorite foods are tacos, blueberries, and chocolate

My favorite thing to do in my down time is get a manicure

My favorite place to visit is the beach

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched, but are felt in the heart."

~ Helen Keller