
Zoom link is located at the top of the Schedule

Virtual West Coast Culinary Symposium

The Kingdom of Caid, along with the Kingdom of the West are proud to host The Society for Creative Anachronism's Virtual West Coast Culinary Symposium in 2022. This multi-Kingdom, 2-day event will be a chance for like-minded and enthusiastic people to get together and share their love and knowledge of pre-1600 period cooking and practices and share the tasty results. It is also a time to gather as friends, make new ones, share ideas, and teach our skills to others hoping to learn.

​This action-packed event will be held March 12th and 13th via Zoom. There will be lectures, cooking demos and active discussions about pre-17th century historical cooking.

The Zoom links as well as the class schedule will be shared closer to the event. Please add yourself to the Facebook Event page for all updates and details as they become available: https://www.facebook.com/events/939821386606152 A detailed class schedule will be posted closer to the event.