Rapier Madness

All times are Pacific Time (-7 UTC)

11am---West Kingdom Premier Order of Defense Master, lladore de Bedegrayne (Monica Gaudio, currently residing in Æthelmearc) and WK OoD's latest Master, Dustin Thorn will be elucidating rapier videos. (in other words---commenting on rapier videos as they play them for the Zoom audience)

Noon-@Jim Liebich (owner), and Tom Badillo of En Garde Fencing Academy in Santa Rosa will be holding forth on Adaptive/Seated Rapier 101. Please drop Brigit Zent a PM if you want to attend this class as there are a couple of pre-class instructions you'll need.

1pm--SOCIAL hour! Come and hang out for a bit with other members of the rapier community--tell your best "No Sh*t, there I was" stories, ask questions of others, or just gab. Invite your rapier friends from out of kingdom that perhaps we haven't all seen in awhile!

2pm--Intro To Katana in SCA Fencing: Ogata Genjirō Mitsui (Charlie Denton) will be teaching this one hour class. Ogata-san hails from Meridies and has been involved in rapier there since 2016 and fighting, researching and teaching about katana use in the SCA since 2019.

All times are Pacific Time.