Are you a new member? Find your local group OR look at the Google Calendar to find events and activities in your area.
Are you a new member? Find your local group OR look at the Google Calendar to find events and activities in your area.
Are you interested in the technological tools that Kingdom has to offer?
Are you interested in the technological tools that Kingdom has to offer?
Are you in search of ideas or training on how to do your job? Visit the links in the specific office resources section of the drop down menu or find all the resource sites in the Google Sitemap.
Are you in search of ideas or training on how to do your job? Visit the links in the specific office resources section of the drop down menu or find all the resource sites in the Google Sitemap.
Are you looking for ways to make your local group more accessible for members or resources to help create a sense of belonging?
Are you looking for ways to make your local group more accessible for members or resources to help create a sense of belonging?
Are you a New Local Officer? Complete a Warrant if you are a Seneschal, Exchequer or Constable Warrant. All offices fill in the Change in Office Form but only financial ones do warrants at the local level
Are you a New Local Officer? Complete a Warrant if you are a Seneschal, Exchequer or Constable Warrant. All offices fill in the Change in Office Form but only financial ones do warrants at the local level
Are you an existing officer trying to find reports? The Reporting Site is a compilation of online officers report forms and deadlines. Make sure your branch fills out the local officer census once a year.
Are you an existing officer trying to find reports? The Reporting Site is a compilation of online officers report forms and deadlines. Make sure your branch fills out the local officer census once a year.
Have you volunteered to run a Local Event?
Have you volunteered to run a Local Event?
Do you want to write an award recommendation or look-up an award?
Do you want to write an award recommendation or look-up an award?
Are you working with Youth?
Are you working with Youth?
Do you handle or make decisions about money use?
Do you handle or make decisions about money use?