Google Sites

To build a Google site, you can follow these steps:

Your site will now be live and accessible to anyone with the link.

Here are some additional tips for building a Google site:

Building a Google site is a great way to create a website without any coding or design experience. With a little bit of effort, you can create a site that is both informative and visually appealing.

Adding Images/Video

Here are the steps on how to add images and video to a Google site:

Here are some additional tips on how to add images and video to a Google site:

Adding images and videos to a Google site is a great way to make your site more visually appealing and engaging.

Resizing and Cropping Images

To resize an image on Google Sites, you can follow these steps:

To crop an image on Google Sites, you can follow these steps:

Here are some additional tips for resizing and cropping images on Google Sites:

Resizing and cropping images is a great way to make your site more visually appealing and engaging.

Embedding Content

Embedding allows you to add content from other websites into your Google Site. This can be helpful for adding videos, maps, or other resources to your site. To embed something, you will need to find the embed code for the content you want to add. You can usually find this code on the website where the content is located. Once you have the embed code, you can follow these steps to embed it in your Google Site:

The content will now be embedded in your Google Site.

Here are some additional tips for embedding content in Google Sites:

Embedding content in Google Sites is a great way to make your site more visually appealing and engaging.

Adding Captions to Images

Here's how to caption an image in Google Sites:

The caption will be added to the image.

Here are some additional tips for captioning images in Google Sites:

Adding captions to images is a great way to make your site more accessible and engaging.

Adding Links

To add a link to a Google Site, you can follow these steps:

The text or image will now be linked to the page you specified.

Here are some additional tips for adding links to Google Sites:

Adding links to Google Sites is a great way to make your site more user-friendly and engaging.

Adding Buttons

Here are the steps on how to add buttons to Google Sites:

The button will now be added to your site.

Here are some additional tips for adding buttons to Google Sites:

Adding buttons to Google Sites is a great way to make your site more interactive and engaging.

Adding Collapsible Groups

To add a collapsible group to your Google Site, you can follow these steps:

The collapsible group will now be added to your site. When a user clicks on the collapsible group, the text in the normal text box will collapse or expand.

Here are some additional tips for adding collapsible groups to Google Sites:

Adding collapsible groups to Google Sites is a great way to make your site more user-friendly and engaging.

Changing the Security Settings 

Sure, here are the steps on how to change the security settings in Google Sites:

Here are the different access levels that you can choose from:

You can also choose to restrict access to people within your organization. To do this, select Company-wide access in the Who has access section.

Once you have changed the security settings, click on the Save button.

Here are some additional tips for securing your Google Sites:

By following these tips, you can help to keep your Google Sites safe and secure.