The Chronicler is the manager of the Kingdom Office of Communications which encompasses Newsletters, Official Websites and Official Social Media Outlets. 


The Chronicler shall oversee print/digital publishing, electronic communication, and media broadcasting for the Kingdom.

The Chronicler shall maintain the West Kingdom Regnum and communicate with branch Chroniclers. The Chronicler shall publish all required announcements, notices of Society events, kingdom law, and other kingdom business on applicable official platforms.

Page Editor

The Page Editor shall prepare and publish “The Page” as the newsletter of the kingdom.

The Page Editor is responsible for the print publishing of all required announcements, notices of Society events, kingdom law, and other kingdom business.


The Web Minister shall develop and maintain the Kingdom website, shall communicate with branch Web Ministers, and shall advise the Crown and Officers regarding electronic media.

The Web Minister oversees and manages content on the Kingdom web site and facilitates needed updates and changes. The Web Minister shall publish all required announcements, notices of Society events, kingdom law, and other kingdom business in a digital format.

Social Media Officer

The Social Media Officer oversees the various official social media channels including announcements and discussions pertaining to matters of import to the Kingdom.

The Social Media Officer serves as an administrator on all official social media platforms unless they delegate administration responsibilities to an individual. If online behavior of a participant does not follow published Society standards, the Social Media officer will work with the Seneschal to address the behavior.

The West Kingdom official Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Tiktok account, Instagram account, and Youtube account are held and managed by the Social Media Officer of the West Kingdom and their Deputies, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and are considered the official presence of this group on social media platforms.  

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