Shire of Cloondara

Recreating the Middle Ages as they should have been!

Welcome to the Shire of Cloondara, the San Francisco branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism!

The Shire of Cloondara is the San Francisco chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a non-profit educational organization devoted to pre-seventeenth century arts and sciences. The Shire is one of the more active groups in the Bay Area, hosting two meetings a month, a weekly fighter practice, and one annual event. You can find out more under the Events & Activities tab in our menu.

The Society for Creative Anachronism is organized into kingdoms that encompass the Knowne World. Each kingdom is further divided into Principalities. Our Shire is part of the Principality of the Mists, one of the three Principalities in the Kingdom of the West.

Want More Information?

The Shire maintains three Facebook pages to help us keep in touch. You can also send us an email using the button in our footer.

The Shire of Cloondara Page - This is our “official” presence on Facebook and is open to the public. It has links to upcoming Shire and Kingdom events and other information of general interest, and is another way to contact our officers.

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The Shire of Cloondara Group - This is a private group that we use for exchanging information among our members. This can be pretty much anything, such as asking for rides to events, posting interesting links, or sharing significant life events.

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The Cloondara Fighter Practice Group - This is a private group page used to coordinate our fighter practices. Cancellations to practices are posted here as well as information about specific fighting events that might be of interest to our members.