

Friday, September 22, 2023:

Vigil for Wolffhart Gualinghi, Master of Defense

"Join us at Wolffhart's Vigil and Elevation at Fall Crown! Vigil will begin at 7PM at the Barony of Fettburg pavilion. There will be gambling (newcomer gambling bags available)! There will be snacks, beverages, and adult beverages (please bring your mundane ID)! There will be a firepit and singing!

Please bring a chair for the firepit; we have some spares, but those are quickly taken.

Please bring your lovely selves, your advice, your well-wishes, and your congratulations to the vigilate! Wolffhart wants to see and hear from all of you: peers and populace!

His elevation is scheduled for evening court the following day - Saturday, September 23rd. We are looking forward to seeing everyone!"

Facebook Event Page

Contact: Captain Firefly aka Lillith Potter

Vigil for Ivarr Eiriksson, Order of Chivalry

7 PM - 2 AM

"Come celebrate Ivarr's elevation to the Order of Chivalry

Vigil will be held on the eric for those who wish to impart advice or give congratulations

There will also be a party with food, drinks, and games.

The party and vigil will end around 2am

The knighting ceremony will take place on Sat September 23rd"

Facebook Event Page

Contact: Maurya and Christopher of York

Vigil for Singinius, Order of the Pelican

"My vigil will be on Friday evening and will include an open forum discussion about how to better integrate the dark art of technomancy (technology) into the SCA. I invite everyone to come visit and discuss all of the pros/cons of technomancy and how to better integrate it into our society."

Contact: Sir Singinius

Wreath of Athena & Artisan Social

"Completed and works in progress welcome. Documentation is not required but enjoyed. Artisans bring your submissions to the A&S Pavillion during Invocation and up until the Tournament starts, roughly 10:30 AM. The display is open for viewing and populace voting at the conclusion of Invocation. Voting closes when the Chivalry is called to the field to observe finals. The Artisans Social is when finals end. Come meet the artisans!"

Contact: Baron Luiggi Giovanni De Rossi

Wooden Spoon Competition

"The Wooden Spoon competition for Fall Crown is Almonds dishes from any period that we study (1600 or earlier)! This competition is a “Cook it on Site” competition. I will provide you with the Almonds and you provide everything else (including your own kitchen). Please rsvp to me (in this thread or in messenger) with your entry no later than 9/20/2023 (This is a hard deadline), so that I know how much Almonds to buy.

What you need to bring:

Your recipe, please include the list of any additional ingredients/substitutes (for allergy purposes)

All ingredients EXCEPT THE ALMONDS. I will provide them.

Please bring your own serving ware (plates, bowls, forks, spoons)

Please do not feel like you must cook a large feast. It is one small dish, adequate in size for splitting among the competitors. Pick up of your main ingredient immediately following invocation, judging will start at 3:00 pm (Subject to Change on the day of the competition, please listen for announcements in morning Court)

The competition will be held in the Arts and Sciences Pavilion (location subject to change).

As always, this is a NO REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION competitor judged competition, and there must be a total of 3 entries to have a competition.

I look forward to seeing you all at Crown!"

Contact: Margaret Grym


"Kingdom Archery Championship will be held on Saturday at Fall Crown. Fun novelty shoot and fall SSAC competitions if there is interest. Novices are welcome and there will be loaner gear there."

Contact: Sibéal inghean Alaxandair

West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild Meet-Up

"The meet up for the West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild will be on Saturday the 23rd from 2 - 4 PM at the Fettburg Dragonwing. A light tea will be served."

Contact: Anna Hibbert

Saucy Wench Oktoberfest

"Friends, the Saucy Wench cordially invites every last one of you to an Oktoberfest party, Saturday night at West Kingdom Fall Crown.

We'll be serving a fundraiser dinner (Brats, kraut, potato salad and apple strudel) to raise money for cancer research.

We will also be serving our signature Saucy Wench cocktail, Sassy Wench mocktail, German beer and cider."

Facebook Event Page

Contact: Eliška z Jihlavy and Vera Veshniakova

Rapier Glow Stick Tourney

"Rapier glow stick after dusk tourney on the eric"

Contact: Maestro Xavier de Guzman

Unbelt Practice

"Hi everybody! It’s your favorite guy who wakes up way too early at events here to tell you unbelt practice is on for crown! Sunday 9/24 at 8am. Stop by and get some extra hat time in with those on the same path, receive roving commentary from passing knights drawn to the sounds of combat. Meet new friends and hit them with sticks! Hope to see many faces there! If it’s too early, please let me know your consort or knights name so I can have them make a disappointed face at you!"

Contact: Wilhelm

Peerage Meetings

"Peerage meetings at Crown will all be on Sunday, September 24

8:00 AM Pelicans

followed by Laurels

followed by Chivalry

followed by Defense

followed by Roses (As determined by HM & HRH)

Please listen for the shouts."

Contact: Damir