
The Westhill CSD technology department

Katie Harmon, Director of Educational Technology

Ms. Harmon has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, a Master's Degree in Secondary Education, and an Advanced Studies Degree for School Administration. She has been in education since 2005 when she started her career as an English Teacher. She came to Westhill July 2019.

Nate Devita, Network Administrator

Mr. Devita is a Westhill alum with a Bachelor's in Network Administration. He has been with the district full time since 2017 and before that worked with Westhill as a BOCES technician for many years.

Jon Dussing, Network Administrator

Mr. Dussing has his Bachelor's in Network Administration, has been in IT since 1989 and started working full time at Westhill in 2017.

Chloe Doherty, Helpdesk Specialist

Ms. Doherty is a recent OCC graduate with an Associates in Computer Science. She came to us as an intern in 2019 and came on board full time in July 2020.

Todd Parks, Instructional Technology Support

Mr. Parks was a middle school math teacher for 18 years before he started training teachers in the arts of technology integration. Mr. Parks is a BOCES employee who works with our teachers one day a week on classroom strategies and training needs.

Technology Committee

The technology committee is made up of teachers, administrators, and recently parents. We are working together to create policies and procedures that make sense for each of the school buildings. We are currently working on what the Fall of 2021 will look like going 1:1 Chromebooks at the high school and middle school.

Vision for Technology

The technology department and committee believe that technology is a powerful tool to support learning. We hope to create a pervasive technology infrastructure that will support the diverse needs of teachers and students. We believe the physical infrastructure should support the Board's goals for the education of our students.